First and foremost: Obama means well. But that - I believe - is precisely the problem.
Before I begin, let me make a few things clear:
- He is not inept. He is very bright and highly strategic.
- He is not likely a Muslim - this perception comes from the seemingly odd way he sometimes deals with Muslim-based nations. I don't believe he is in any way a Christian, either. Either way - does not matter for the purposes of this blog.
- He is not a "standard" liberal as both Democrats and Republicans seem to think he is.
- He WAS born in Hawaii, making him a US citizen. Let's get past that.
- He is in no way what you think he is, whether you're on the right or left. No, I'm not going to tell you I think he's an alien from some distant planet.
The way-right seems to think he is a way-left liberal, a tree-hugger ;), a potential Muslim or at least a terrorist supporter, an immigrant who says he was born here, etc. This is not correct.
The Left seems to think he is a speaker for the less-fortunate American, a great environmentalist, a supporter of women's "rights", and a model Democrat. This is not correct either, although that is what he's lead you to fully believe.
Allow me to explain ...
No one seems to ever discuss his past, the distinct influences from his formative years, and the seemingly random things he does that sometimes make no sense. But they DO make sense - to him. He came on the scene from - it seems - nowhere. Sharp dressed, big smile, handsome, calm demeanor, great with a speech ... saying some "pretty" things that, at a high level, people could get behind. Albeit there were never absolute specifics - more nice-sounding platitudes. But no one REALLY knew him.
I learned before the 2008 election, then again in 2012 that people get swept up in ideas - the ideas that sound great. Hope. Progress. Who can argue? Even I got swept up a bit. And that is exactly how Obama ran his campaign - with these vague and idealistic messages ... the ideas that people wanted to hear, in general. And he knew that's what they wanted to hear. However, it has been said - by the Rev Jeremiah Wright, amongst many others - that Obama tells the public what he wants them to believe, to distract them from what he's actually doing. It's genius and maniacal all at once.
At this point, you're thinking I'm some kind of conspiracy theorist. You're partially right. I haven't said anything until now because I hadn't seen the theory fully play out until more recently. And it has played out, but the most recent verdict is - Obama is inept. But this is not true. He is brilliant. But I do not mean this to be a complement, but an observation.
The theory I'm communicating below was first posited by Dinesh D'Souza who has written a few books on the subject. Problem is, the people that need to read the books - those who think they know Obama, and voted for him - aren't reading the books or seeing the movies. Also, the media is not talking about it. Odd. Or is it odd? Does the media know? Or are they just as fooled?

The first book I read from Dinesh D'Souza was called "
Obama's America: Unmaking the American Dream" and was followed up by a movie that was in all the theatres called "
2016: Obama's America". Unfortunately, only those who
don't support Obama saw it. The folks who think they
know Obama and
support who they believe he is did not see the movie or read the books. The book and the movie were very fair, and posited a very educated and well-researched theory about what Obama's actual goals are. I'll repeat - I believe Obama means well. He believes what he is doing is what's best for America. And he comes from a perspective where the ends justify the means - whatever means necessary. And that includes telling the public (including his supporters) one thing, then doing something else entirely, confusing everyone.
From the books, you'll learn his influences. I didn't know most of these people before reading about them, so I don't expect you to (although you can learn about them in the books, just as I did). He was a student of many extreme radicals (e.g. Saul Olinsky, et al) who learned that you can't be an effective radical if you look like a radical. You must always look respectable, speak with a calm and soothing voice, and "tell them what they want to hear" while you're accomplishing your goals. So, to be more specific, here is what he is actually up to:
- He is an anti-colonialist, just like his birth Dad, Barack Obama, Sr. What is an anti-colonialist? I didn't know either, because we don't really use that term over here. You see, to 3rd world countries, WE are the colonialists. In their minds, we were built 100% by stealing from them. We came in and took their stuff. The only fair thing - in the mind of an anti-colonialist is to make things right by re-dispensing the wealth created back to the 3rd world countries. The "1%" he's always talking about "paying their fair share"? He's talking on a global level - so not just Americans. While we think he means those who make $150-200K or more, HE means anyone earning $30K per year or more. THAT'S the 1% - that's YOU.
- Based on the above worldview (anti-colonialism), his father wrote papers about instituting a 100% income tax (not a joke - and he was quite serious) and providing all services through the Federal government. You may say, "Barack Jr is not Barack Sr." True, but HE is the one who wrote, "Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance". Have you read it? Much of Dinesh D'Souza's book focuses on what Obama clearly says in his own book. He's hiding in plain site. And notice, the title is not "Dreams OF My Father". The key word - from. Again - it is explained quite a bit in his own words, by our President. In fact, Obama does the reading of his own book, so the movie has many lengthy narratives, unedited (so his words are not twisted), in Barack Obama's words - his own voice. The dreams are FROM his father, and he is living them out since his father could not.
- You may have heard of the term, "White Guilt". Coming from a white guy, I know this is chancy, but I learned this term from Dinesh D'Souza who is Indian, so I guess since his skin tone is darker, it's okay for him to say (sarcasm). I love the PC world we live in. Anyway, White Guilt is what white people feel for the absolutely atrocious way our ancestors treated Black people's anestors in the early days of our country. To be clear, it's not bad for us to feel some guilt there - even some Christians used the Bible to justify slavery (which is not in the Bible - although it discusses slavery and gives advice to those enslaved). Shameful. I - for one - have felt the white guilt, so it's real. I've seen it. That said, my point is that Obama has masterfully capitalized on this. He was taught by people like Saul Olinsky that being an "Angry Black Man" may be effective in the short term to get what you want, but not being angry - being calm and collected and seemingly forgiving in nature - is far more effective. Those with White Guilt feel relieved to meet a sharp, intelligent man of color ... someone who is not angry at them, who does not make them feel like a racist. And they are thankful. They are relieved. Voting for Obama, in many cases was a statement: "See? I'm not a racist. I voted for our first Black President!"
- He believes in a specific America and - as mentioned - he believes that vision of America is what's best for both America and the world. That America is a significantly lesser America. Dinesh uses an analogy to explain: It's like he became the coach of the Lakers, who keep winning and have become pompous. That's not fair to the other teams. He believes what would be best for the Lakers would be to ensure they lose. That would give others a chance to win, even the playing field, and it would humble the Lakers, making them better people. So, to do so, he coaches in a way that they lose every game and come in last, or at least at a much lower standing in the league. The key is, he'd never last as a coach if anyone figured out this was his goal. So he conveys a different goal: "We are going to Rebuild the Lakers! Yes we can! Si se puede!"
- Based on the previous point, how can he make this happen?
- Drive us over the fiscal cliff. We are now $17.5 trillion in debt, growing (not paying off, but continuing to spend MORE) so rapidly it's mind boggling. That is more than $150,000.00 per tax payer to pay that off. Bush made it jump with the initial bail outs, but Obama took the reigns and hit the gas pedal ... up $6.666 trillion more since 2008 after he took office. That is almost 40% (38%+) of the total national debt, all created by one President - Barack Obama.
- Federal government take-over of key industries. Automotive, financial ... healthcare. And so on. This has already happened. To control the people, you must control what the people need.
- Quieting the public from speaking out. Our 1st Amendment provides us with Freedom of Speech - to criticize our government, for instance. There is legislation being pushed through right now that would limit our ability to voice disapproval of our government. Check it out for yourself.
- Take the guns. To government to fully control, we can't be able to fight back. That would ruin everything. So, the guns must be taken. This is exactly why that specific component was included in the U.S. Constitution - for personal protection, but also for use in a militia, in case the government attempts to overs-step its power. I heard something funny the other day: "Make gun ownership illegal to stop gun violence. It works for drugs, right?"
- And so on.
- Hold back advances here while funding those same things in 3rd world countries. The oil industry is a great example - we all know he's taken significant action to slow or stop growth in this industry, especially exploration. And while that is noble to care about the environment, etc., that is not his purpose. While he's holding American companies back, he is significantly funding other countries - billions and billions of American tax payer dollars for other countries to explore, drill, refine, etc.
- Lessening our military power while supporting the strengthening of military powers elsewhere, specifically those who are not America-friendly. Lots of discrepancies in our dealings with countries in the middle east - taking action with some, standing back with others. Seemingly random, until you apply this theory. Then they all make perfect sense. And, nuclear disarmament for America, but no demand for other countries to lessen theirs. Hmm.
- I would like to go on, but you've read enough.

So, I'm not passing judgement in this blog. He's already in and can not run for another term - so this is not political. I am simply informing you of who Barack Obama really is. If the above is what YOU think is what's best for America, then good for you - we should be "lessened" very soon, especially once the economy crashes. But don't be fooled that he is the man you THINK he was when you voted for him or against him, whether you're a lefty or a righty.
Please study up on this. If you vote and you have no idea about the candidates for whom you vote, you're hurting yourself, your family, and your neighbors. At least see the movies and discern for yourself. This is all stated by Obama himself (in his voice, in his own words - that's the majority of the last film). The balance is filled in by his family in Africa and from understanding his influences - the people he studied under (not just met or vaguely knew, but STUDIED under).
Hope this was helpful. It certainly helped me.