Woof. With all the political back and forth on TV, on the news sites, on social media, it gets you thinking about how people can think so differently - diametrically opposite in some cases - from one another. I mean, we're all living in the same world, with the same laws of physics, with the same air and water and food. So how can one person think that something is 100% right and another think that same thing is 100% wrong? Both can't be right.
Here's what it comes down to: People are comfortable aligning with some "group" and find it easier to just say, "Yeah - what he said." Let's be honest. Most people are quite lazy that way. I've been guilty of it in the past, too. But with what "group" is the right one to align? And is that okay to just blindly agree and then communicate the views of that group without even thinking it through?
I say - absolutely NOT. There is no excuse for this.
I'll keep things fair and not pick on any one group in particular, but let's just use Political Party X as a case study. I know of people who scream at the top of their Facebook posts that this party is the best and EVERYTHING they say is right, and the other side is wrong no matter what. They do this to a fault. And in doing so, they throw the baby out with the bath water.
Here's the truth - neither Political Party in this country is 100% right or 100% wrong. So aligning yourself solely with that group on all issues and stances is simply ridiculous.
Here's the other truth - ANY stance ... by ANY Party is flawed by default if it is not based in objective truth. Frankly, anything not based on objective truth is just "opinion". It's like standing in thin air. You want to know how much my personal opinion is worth? Zip. News flash - so is your opinion. I can state my opinion that "clouds are made of cotton" as much as I want. "That's my opinion and don't you dare tell me I'm not entitled to my opinion!" But it matters not. My opinion and 52 cents won't even buy a small coffee at 7-Eleven anymore.
So, to what worldview do you tie yourself? How about a worldview provided to us by the One who created the Universe, this planet, our sun, the air we breath, the food we eat, the water we drink ... ? That is the only objective truth out there ... and it's wrapped up nicely in a book called the Bible. In fact, if I align myself with our Creator on all things, I can have confidence that any and everything I believe isn't even MY opinion at all. It's His. And that is solid ground to stand on.
The Republican platform has faults.
The Democratic platform has faults.
God's platform - zero faults.
Again I ask, to whose worldview do you subscribe?
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