You know the people I'm talking about. The "I don't believe that" crowd who - despite a complete lack of adequate research on a subject will not only convey their complete skepticism, but make it seem as though you are ridiculous for believing such a thing. These type of people are infuriating, with their Bill Maher smirk and completely ignorant arrogance. But at the end of the day - I must say - I feel very sorry for them. They are floating through life without fully understanding truth and they are missing out. They are oblivious, but they're okay with that. Or, at minimum, they are oblivious to the fact that they're oblivious. Yes, redundant.
Let's be honest, in this shallow world we live in, negative always seems to win: If you were right to be skeptical, you get to say, "I told you so". If wrong, you are "pleasantly surprised". In an incredibly silly way, you win either way. You're also not much fun to be around and you have little credibility, but hey - at least you weren't wrong. You weren't duped.
It really comes down to pride. It's about ego. "I can't show vulnerability and I can't believe something that is not popular in the mainstream, even if it IS true. People might make fun of me. People might tease me." And this desire to be seen as cool ends up outweighing the acceptance of truth. Very sad.
"So what? What's the big deal? Let them believe what they want to believe!" you say. And for many topics, I tend to agree. But there are some topics where is it just plain irresponsible to let someone continue with a "I'm not buying it" attitude that leaves them in stasis, having made no decision as to what they believe.
The most important example of this: The fact that there is an actual Heaven, an actual Hell, and one way - a very narrow gate where most will not walk - that leads to an eternal life with God and joy and peace.
A percentage of readers are rolling their eyes right now. If you're one of them, please read on. This is important. You're likely thinking, "Oy - he's talking religion again." But skeptics - by definition - don't know either way. They are just skeptical. They are also too lazy to actually look deeply into it, do the research and subsequently take it to its logical and rational conclusion. They'd rather listen to the world or - worse - just shrug their shoulders and say "Eh, whatever."
But it is critical to make a decision one way or the other after fully weighing the facts. If you die tomorrow, the option is off the table. If you didn't accept the Truth and the free gift, it's too late at that point.
Let's break down the situation ...
Question: What happens if Atheists are right and there is no God, no Heaven, etc.?
Answer: We're not around to argue about it anymore. No one wins, no one loses, I suppose. We're just worm food.
Question: What if 50+ generations (2000+ years) of Christians actually weren't/aren't crazy, delusional or stupid, but are actually right about the reality of God, Heaven, Hell ... and Jesus being the one and only way to eternal life in Heaven?
Answer: Ooof. Then it all of a sudden matters, doesn't it? Skeptical or not. Once you're dead, there is no bargaining with God or the Devil. That's that.
So, wouldn't it make sense to really look into it? To drop the skepticism for a while and truly look into it with an open mind? I mean, what have you got to lose by DOING the research? Checking the facts? Reviewing the history? Treating it like a court case where you end with the best verdict beyond a reasonable doubt? Are you afraid of some invisible social repercussions? Friends thinking you're weird for even considering such a thing? What? Be honest.
If you choose to continue with the skepticism, I pray for your soul, because I was one of those skeptics I'm talking about above. I was that "I won't be had" guy for 38 years of my life. Then I sought the Truth with an open heart and an open mind. And you know what this arrogantly ignorant man discovered?
... Well, you can read that in another of my blog entries, "A Skeptics Epiphany". But for now, just know that I did not become dumb as a rock, crazy, or delusional all of a sudden. I studied and learned many things that I did not know before, and now the Truth is very clear. No blind faith, no belief-despite-logic. I was literally "blind" but now I see clearly. And it's a whole new world. As a closet analytic, the facts were/are out there. I just had to take the time, open my heart and my intellect, and seek that Truth.
How about you? Will you float through this life only to come to the end of it saying, "Oh no - I assumed incorrectly, but never really thought it through!" Eternity is not simply a "long period of time". It's - well - eternity. Don't you want to be sure?
He's waiting for you to honestly and sincerely seek the Truth. Seek and you will find. I promise.
Seek and you will find.....He promises.