While God did come in human, natural form (in the person of Jesus Christ), generally speaking God is invisible to us. His affects are quite obvious, not unlike the effects of wind or gravity ... or love.
But why is He invisible? The answer is much more rational, simple and logical than you might imagine. You see, at the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. This was before any time or space existed. In fact using terms like was or is or will be are inappropriate , because he is outside of past, present or future. He is not affected by the ebb and flow of our culture or our opinions. This is the first thing we need to understand about our almighty, omnipotent, all knowing God: that He is timeless, outside of the natural world that we live in ... that He created.
God is not visible to us because he is not of the natural world. He is the cause of the natural world. The uncaused cause that - if we think logically and rationally - must have started this universe that we live in ... must have started life ... must have given us the rational, thinking minds that we use to even ponder this topic.
God is infinite. And by definition His Holiness, his perfection, his wisdom, his power, and His grace are unlimited. But he himself is invisible to eyes that only see what is natural.
But our hearts detect and ultimately know that He is there.
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