Reading in 2 Samuel 1:17-27 this morning, I was struck by the pain, disappointment, and heartbreak felt by David for the loss of his dear brother and friend Jonathan.
"I'm crushed by your death. Your friendship was a miracle-wonder, love far exceeding anything I've known - or ever hope to know."
Touchy subject I know, but with all the talk lately about homosexuality and same-sex marriage, it's important to understand what God has real issue with. It's not the deep type of love that David felt for Jonathan. And it's not specifically homosexuality. In fact, that's simply a small part of the issue that God is addressing.
God created sexual intercourse ultimately for the purposes of procreation. He made it hyper-appealing and extremely satisfying so that, within the confines of marriage between a man and a woman, man would carry on generation after generation. He also created it for our joy - again within the confines of marriage. Thank you God for the gift of sex.
So what is God really addressing with his commands surrounding sexual immorality? It's not specifically same gender sex. He's addressing any sexual activity outside of marriage ... as He defines marriage. And - ultimately - He's doing this to protect His children. Many of us just don't understand. And like children, because we don't understand, many of us think what our feelings tell us must be better for us. But that is extremely dangerous for any child to believe. The Truth is, God - our Father - knows better than we do.
NOTE: I know I don't know better, so when I state God's truth on this matter, I'm not stating Greg's opinion. In fact, Greg opinion doesn't matter what so ever in this discussion. I simply trust that He is a good, good Father, and that He knows things I don't know. This is logical.
To be clear ...
○ God has equal issue with premarital sex.
○ He has equal issue with sex with someone who is not your spouse ... period (a.k.a adultery and infidelity).
○ He has equal issue with pornography and the self gratification that comes with it.
○ And He even has issue with lustful thoughts (ones that we allow to linger) outside of those one might have for their wife or husband.
○ And, yes, he has issue with same sex sexual activity. But He's not pinpointing this sin as higher and/or worse than any other sexual immorality.
God is not instructing us to hold back on this type of sexual activity because He doesn't love us or doesn't want us to be happy. It's exactly the opposite. He wants us to steer clear of this type of sexual deviance because He loves us and want the best for us. He knows it will never fill us and will only negatively impact us in the end.
Further clarification:
He does not have issue with love and companionship with those of the same gender. I - a heterosexual married male - have a love for many of my male friends that is a deep and real. I can even commit my loyalty to those friends. But I can't have sex with them (even if that thought crossed my mind), and I certainly can't marry them, because "marriage", by definition, is only possible between a man and a woman according to the only person who has the right to say so - the Person who created the concept of marriage.
Again, sexual immorality, as defined by our Creator, is nothing more and nothing less than the sexual activity itself outside of marriage. And before you think that I'm holding myself above this, I too am guilty of sexual immorality in my past. and I still struggle periodically, although significantly less that I have in the past with God's help. Thank God for the saving grace of Jesus Christ in my life.
Final clarification:
A feeling or inclination for homosexual sex, premarital heterosexual sex, desire to watch pornography, or a desire to have sex with someone other than my wife ... none of these things are sin in and of themselves. It's what our heart does with those inclinations. Do we let the lustful thoughts linger? Or worse, do we act on them? That's when we cross the line between "how we were born" or "how we feel" and step intentionally into sin, according to God.
Unfortunately, our culture is working overtime to tell us the exact opposite of what God has clearly said. And more and more people are buying it lock, stock and barrel. When we ignore Truth, or aren't even aware of it, we will believe anything.
In essence, those who go forward unrepentant of their sexual immorality are saying, in essence, "We know better than God".
But here's the Good News:
God wants you, right here and now, exactly as you are. He knows you're amidst sexual deviance. He also knows your heart. But He loves you and He wants you exactly where you are, and exactly as you are. But he also loves you enough not to leave you that way. If you are willing to humble yourself and give your life to Christ, He will do the work for you, but you must lower your barriers and your ego and trust Him.
Are you ready to let go of the reigns and trust in Him? I'll tell you from personal experience that it's the best decision you will ever make in your entire life.