"It was a very humbling experience. One of the highlights of my entire Christian life."
This from a Catholic of 70+ years. Incredible. I saw young men with hyper-bravado and a certain swagger of over-confidence speak humbly of how the Holy Spirit had affected them throughout the retreat weekend. And no, I can't tell you anything about it. That's the rule. You don't talk about Fight Club ;).
Here's the thing: I'm not a "Catholic". I am a part of the holy catholic church - the body of Christ - but I don't label myself a Catholic (note the big C). Technically, I go to a "Protestant" church. More specifically, a Baptist church. Although I don't consider myself a Protestant or a Baptist necessarily either.
Question: Who cares? Answer: Apparently hundreds of years of Christians on both sides. Oy.
Consider this: Do you think Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, looking upon us thinking, "I'm so glad they've divided themselves into 758 denominations. That's exactly what I was going for."? I'm guessing ... no? In fact, Paul spoke about this tendency we have to "take our ball and go home". The Christians in Corinth were arguing about whether to follow Paul's teachings or Apollos' teachings or some other source of teachings ...
"NO! For the love of Pete! Christ's teachings and Christ's alone!" -- Paul (I might be paraphrasing just a tad)
In any church there will be disagreements, some quite substantial. We need to talk about them humbly and align them with what God seems to be saying through His Word.
Note to Catholics: I sometimes hear a sentiment of "Why don't they just get over it and come back to the one universal church ... the Catholic church, of course." Jesus never used the word Catholic, nor is it used anywhere in scripture. So, let's drop that and humble ourselves.
Note to Protestants: The Catholics believe in the same triune God, in Jesus' salvation and Lordship, and in the entire Apostle's Creed ... just like you. There are some differences in belief that are admittedly substantial, but you need to be willing to hear them out, explain your points, get it out on the table for discussion, and join forces again (just like the Wonder Twins - "Form of ... an Eagle!").
We are called to love our Brothers and Sisters. We are ALL the body of Christ, and currently we have an arm and a leg over there, and a torso and an ear over there.
Let's come together as one Body as Christ calls us to. Amen?
So hopeful and anxious for the life of the world to come. Love you all.
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