Thursday, January 7, 2016

It's not about being GOOD. It' about being PERFECT.

  1. God will not be near imperfection.
  2. No matter how many good things we do, we can never be perfect on our own.
  3. Hence, even by being good - even really really good - we still cannot make it into heaven. Not on our own.

So, if it's not about being good, what is it about?

The Psalmist writes, Generous in love - God, give grace! Huge in mercy - wipe out my bad record! Scare away my guilt, soak up my sins in your laundry. I know how bad I've been; my sins are staring me down. (The Message)

If asked, secular people would likely say, "But I don't sin" or at least, "I don't sin that much, plus I do a lot of really good things."  But this sentiment comes from a simple lack of fundamental understanding of Scripture and what God considers sin. Forget our personal, softened definitions. Sin, as clarified by Jesus, is even the mere lingering lustful thought, or the "little white lie". These are filthy and unholy to God.

"Wow. Well that's just depressing," says the unbeliever. 

And it would be quite depressing, if there weren't another way. Because there are two ways to this life and to eternity:
  • Depending upon oneself. Being a self-made man. Going it alone.

  • Lifting it all up to Him. Trusting Him at His promise. Letting go and letting God.

The former - no matter how many wonderful acts of kindness, compassion, generosity you perform on your own power - leads to eternity based on that premise ... that you believe you simply don't need God.

The latter leads to eternal life with God, beginning the day you accept Christ into your heart and allow him to take your life over for you, and to save you from punishment for sin (a.k.a. death).

Every person who has ever lived, bar none, is a sinner.  All have sinned and fallen short, says Paul.  All but one. And that One, who lived a perfect sinless life, was Jesus Christ. Upon His sacrifice on the cross as atonement for all of our sins, we have a way to be perfect, without blemish, white as snow in God's eyes.

As the Psalmist said, only God's grace and mercy can save us. And that grace and mercy - that redemption - comes only ... ONLY ... through faith in Christ.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that we should not only not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

There is a way, but that Way is not through good works on our own power. That Way is through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Period.

Seek Him sincerely, and you WILL find him.  Go it alone, and you've made your decision that you'd rather be without Him, for eternity. Think about that, and choose wisely. It's the most important decision of your life.

God I pray for the unbeliever. Remove their blinders, their pride, their fear of being duped. Let them know that you are real, and that you will offer a free gift of salvation, that results in eternity in joy, love, and ultimate peace. I pray this in the beautiful name of Jesus. Amen

Love you guys.  Peace out.

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