In Proverbs 7 starting in verse 7, we hear of a foolish young man. A young man with no sense. He's easily lured into something he knows that he should not do. He is weak.
It's easy to stand outside of the story and judge him, until I realize that I am that senseless, foolish young man.
How many times have I done something even though I knew that it was wrong? I'd rather not answer that question, to be honest. And how many times have I drug my feet when I knew that I should do something? Again, I'd prefer to plead the fifth.
God does not provide this scripture to make us feel down about ourselves, or to shame us into using our own power to be better about these things. He provides us with this truth about our weakness to remind us then we need Him, that we need His mercy in grace.
I am reminded of my own failure. But this reality does not make me sad anymore. It gives me joy. It reminds me that I am not some self made man who can pull himself up by his own bootstraps. It reminds me that I need my Savior.
I settle in the reality that this is who I am: someone who very much needs God's grace and mercy. And this increases my appreciation and love for Him who has so selflessly given it to me.