Sidenote: The Theory of Evolution is still just a theory, even if many remove the words "Theory of" in academia, museums, etc. They will say that this is because the evidence is "undeniable" (Bill Nye), but it's still just a theory. By the way, God and creation and Christ are "undeniable", too, using the same measure. Neither can be proven or disproven irrefutably.
From Dr. Scott Sullivan:
"The famous atheist Richard Dawkins once quipped that Darwinian evolution has made him an "intellectually fulfilled atheist". And it's no secret that atheists and skeptics often appeal to evolution as a sort of "refutation" of the existence of God, or at least, to support their view that God is not needed to explain the fascinating complexity we see at the biological level.
But is this true? Is it the case that evolution, even if it really happened, is a good reason to not believe in God?
Or, to ask a related question, if the theory of evolution is true, would that fact even undermine the design argument for the existence of God?
My answer is "no" to both questions.
My thesis is this: that even if we grant that evolution is true (and that may well be debatable) still, no harm is done to either belief in God or to the design argument itself.
In other words, my claim is that the truth of the evolutionary hypothesis is irrelevant to the rationality of believing in God and even irrelevant to the design argument itself."
Dr. Scott Sullivan grabs this subject by the horns in his latest podcast:
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