Saturday, April 23, 2016

Repent and be Baptized

"Brothers, what shall we do?"
Peter replied,
"Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name
of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. 
And you will receive the Holy Spirit."
Acts 2:37-38

I hear worry from fellow Christians sometimes about those who SAY "I believe" and then go on living the way they want to live. "Are they saved?", they ask.

First of all, that's between them and God. It's a heart thing, and only God can see the heart.

Second, the Bible does not say, "Repeat these magic words and 'poof' you're golden." It says, repent of (a.k.a. turn away from) your sins ... and you will be saved. God tells you what a "sin" is (regardless if you agree that it's a sin or not - lean not on your own understanding), then He tells you what it takes to be saved from those sins and reenter a relationship with Him: Believe on Jesus, repent of your sins (turn away ... try your darnedest not to sin), make a public acknowledgement of your new Lord and Savior through baptism.  You need to do all of these things.

I hear, "You just have to say the words to be saved." I as often hear, "You must have faith AND do this list of things to be saved." Both are flawed statements.

Again, only YOU and GOD know if you're saved. It's for no earth-bound person to judge. But don't fool yourself. God wants you as you are, but He loves you too much to keep you that way. If you accept Jesus, you're accepting HIS way. Your way no longer matters - not a bit. He has the wheel and He definitely doesn't need your help. In fact, your help is a hindrance.

Lean into Him. Let Him do His thing. Read His Word, then DO IT.


Saturday, April 16, 2016

THE way, THE truth, THE life

Thomas said to him, "Lord we don't know where you were going, so how can we know the way?" Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him." John 14:5-7

Do not miss...or misunderstand...what Jesus asserted. He said he is the way, the truth and the life (emphasis added). Notice he did not say, "I am a way, one truth (among many equally valid truth claims) and an alternative version of life.

Here is an exclusive claim, the granddaddy of all declarations. If people don't like it, then their argument is with Jesus. He said what he said. He meant what he meant. Yes, the one and only way to God is a narrow way. But - halleluyah! - we have a way.

Taken from The NIV Bible for Men

Friday, April 15, 2016

I'm Grateful, Therefore I Give ...

I am eternally thankful to God for ...
  • My wife, and how she nurtures and loves our family, and loves me unconditionally.
  • My kids, who are so unique and so beautiful and who make me laugh.
  • My health, and the health of my family.
  • For my eye sight, hearing, my sense of taste and touch.
  • The beauty of God's creation, from trees, to sparkling waters, to open fields, to canyons and mountains.
  • The feeling of a cool breeze on a warm day.
  • The taste of garlic shrimp, and bread, and ice cream, and a cold drink of water.
  • Laughter and smiles.
  • Hope, and knowing that He is in control and will make all things right.
  • The wonderful feeling it gives me to give liberally, knowing that it is all from him.
  • Seeing my kids do something that I have never been blessed to do.
  • For a seemingly infinite number of other things I'm simply not thinking of now, or that I just take for granted, I am so so thankful.

But most of all, I have eternal appreciation for what God did by sending his only begotten son to be the sacrifice that was necessary to pay for my sin, and to free me from slavery.

"When we allow God to remind us that we used to be slaves and that everything we have is by His gracious hand, it will help us to be grateful. And when we're grateful, we're generous. Genuine gratitude to God is a rare and powerful thing."
--Robert Morris, Pastor, Gateway Church

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Why Hasn't God Told Me His True Purpose for Me?

"How do I know what God's will is for me?" 

Ever ask this question, then wonder why He hasn't told you yet? I know I have. But let's dissect this verse to get a clue.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:2 NIV

Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is ...
So this ability will follow ... some obedient action on our part. 
Once you and I do it, this WILL happen. That's a promise.

So what is it that we must do for this to happen?
  1. Do not conform to the pattern of this world. Stop trying to fit in with the world. It seems we tend toward this 50/50 mix at best. 50% the pattern of this world, 50% God's pattern for us as Christians. I know I fall into this camp. Read the New Testament and you and I both know how far off the pattern we really are. We make excuses as to why, but the real reason is, we don't want to stand out THAT much.
  2. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Stop fighting the transformation God has in store for you. I know it may not match what you have in mind. Trust me - it doesn't matter. What he has in store for you and me through the complete renewing of our minds is SO much better.

Faith without action is dead. More of Him, less of you, me and this world.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Marriage is hard: we’re selfish

Ever hear one of your friends say, “I have to take care of me for a change.” “It’s my time now.” “I need to be looking out for number one.” Unfortunately the people who say these things don’t mean Jesus Christ. They mean themselves.

Sinners like you and me do not need to go to grad school or subscribe to webinars on how to be selfish. We are born with software already installed and functioning. Our parents (hopefully!) slowly trained us to overcome that selfish streak and learn to share our toys, wait in line, take turns, and listen to the views and stories of others. It is embarrassing how fast those old behaviors come back under stress, and it hurts marriages.

Husbands and wives can drive each other crazy because they don’t notice things that are really important to each other. Both what they do and what they neglect can really hurt. Being self-absorbed comes naturally. Focusing energy and thought on other people’s well-being is learned behavior. It is Christ-behavior:

“No one should seek their own good, but the good of others” (1 Corinthians 10:24).

It is a major triumph of the cross when you think first, “What does he or she need?” instead of, “Here’s what I want.” It is part of the magic of the Christian way of life that when you put others first, your needs always get taken care of too. Always.

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