"Brothers, what shall we do?"
Peter replied,
"Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name
of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.
And you will receive the Holy Spirit."
Acts 2:37-38
First of all, that's between them and God. It's a heart thing, and only God can see the heart.
Second, the Bible does not say, "Repeat these magic words and 'poof' you're golden." It says, repent of (a.k.a. turn away from) your sins ... and you will be saved. God tells you what a "sin" is (regardless if you agree that it's a sin or not - lean not on your own understanding), then He tells you what it takes to be saved from those sins and reenter a relationship with Him: Believe on Jesus, repent of your sins (turn away ... try your darnedest not to sin), make a public acknowledgement of your new Lord and Savior through baptism. You need to do all of these things.
I hear, "You just have to say the words to be saved." I as often hear, "You must have faith AND do this list of things to be saved." Both are flawed statements.
Again, only YOU and GOD know if you're saved. It's for no earth-bound person to judge. But don't fool yourself. God wants you as you are, but He loves you too much to keep you that way. If you accept Jesus, you're accepting HIS way. Your way no longer matters - not a bit. He has the wheel and He definitely doesn't need your help. In fact, your help is a hindrance.
Lean into Him. Let Him do His thing. Read His Word, then DO IT.
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