Quick answer: Absolutely. I wish everyone did that.
Just imagine if we all did for/to others as we would have done for/to us. If that were possible, it would be most definitely wonderful. Unfortunately, though, that would be a world where peace was brought about by humans. And we can all see where that's gotten us so far, after these many thousands of years.
But the bigger issue is not society or even this life ... the issue is eternity. That's what ultimately matters. Not that we should not strive for peace on Earth, but that we should look to the only One who can actually accomplish that desired future state.
Many religions offer up a Golden Rule of sorts. And that is to be commended. But only one faith offers assurance of Eternity. Compare eternity with our time here. 60-90 years vs infinity.
Everyone believes in something, and rests on that belief. The Muslim believes that he must work to please God, never truly knowing if he's done enough. Even those without a belief in God believe subconsciously that they must please others in order to receive something. The belief: "If we all just work toward peace as a community, then peace will arrive." But we all know that someone will ruin that. Putting our faith in society does not breed hope because societies view on things constantly changes, and society is filled with broken, fallen people.
But the Christian already knows that we are incapable of doing enough. She knows that we are broken and need to be saved in order to achieve peace. He knows that we've all fallen short of an ability to spend eternity with God. It's not even within grasp without someone stepping in to save us. She knows we are sinners, and that we must turn away from sin by asking God to take over the life that we could not lead perfectly.
Because that's what it takes.
Everyone who wishes to spend eternity in heaven must lead a perfect (not simply 'good') life: perfectly selfless, perfectly compassionate, perfectly giving, serving others at all times. How far off of that mark would you say that we are? But there is an alternative, graciously offered by our Creator ...
Instead of striving for the impossible, strive for the possible through the gift that has been offered by Jesus.
Instead of resting in your ability, rest in His.
And instead of focusing on this temporal life, focus on what matters most: eternity. The beautiful result of a focus on eternity is that it will have the desired impact on this temporal life as well.
It's a two-fer. So, live with the Golden Rule in mind, certainly, but let's not take our eye off the ball.
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