Before sharing my thoughts, I'd like to acknowledge that you are good God. And I don't mean like "this soup is good" kind of good. I mean it like, you are love. You are good. The very essence of goodness. I want to be a part of that - near that - forever. No struggle, no pain, no ridicule or any other difficulty can stand up to that. And I will spend eternity in close proximity to the goodness. To love himself. That gives me inexplicable joy down to my bones, deep in my soul.
On to my thoughts...
I'm looking at my dogs right now. It's 7am, and they are laying on the couch, vacillating between dozing off and staring at me. They are oblivious to the world I find myself too often worried about. All they care about is being near me ... feeling my love and warmth. When I leave, they are distraught. When I return, they are beside themselves, unabashedly wiggling and making the strangest joyful noises. They feel "complete" somehow when I'm near. I can see it from their bright eyes and perked ears, all the way back to their violently wagging tails. No real pride or boastfulness exists in them. Some innocent selfishness, sure, but I overlook that because I adore them. I even use a voice no man should use when I talk to them. Why? Because I love them and think they are adorable. They are good booooooys! ... despite their many flaws.
I imagine God looks at us in a similar way. He is a loving, caring, affectionate master. And all he wants is our full devotion; to wiggle out of control and make uncontrollable noises of joy when we're near him; to fully appreciate his love and to love him back fully. To want to be near him, and to be distraught - lost - when we're not.
Why can't I be like my dogs in that way? 45 years of this world and its thoughts and influences have spoiled the stew that is me. Why can't I just block out what this world says and focus fully on my Master? Why can't I just focus on trying to love him with all my might?
Lord, I ask for a dog-like innocence to overtake me. Transform me into the meek, careless, lovable mutt you and I both hope for me to be. I love you. I want to be perpetually near you, and I want to please you. I humbly and sincerely ask for this in the name of Jesus Christ my King.
Amen and Amen.
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