Before sharing my thoughts, I'd like to acknowledge that you are good God. And I don't mean like "this soup is good" kind of good. I mean it like, you are love. You are good. The very essence of goodness. I want to be a part of that - near that - forever. No struggle, no pain, no ridicule or any other difficulty can stand up to that. And I will spend eternity in close proximity to the goodness. To love himself. That gives me inexplicable joy down to my bones, deep in my soul.
On to my thoughts...

I imagine God looks at us in a similar way. He is a loving, caring, affectionate master. And all he wants is our full devotion; to wiggle out of control and make uncontrollable noises of joy when we're near him; to fully appreciate his love and to love him back fully. To want to be near him, and to be distraught - lost - when we're not.
Why can't I be like my dogs in that way? 45 years of this world and its thoughts and influences have spoiled the stew that is me. Why can't I just block out what this world says and focus fully on my Master? Why can't I just focus on trying to love him with all my might?
Lord, I ask for a dog-like innocence to overtake me. Transform me into the meek, careless, lovable mutt you and I both hope for me to be. I love you. I want to be perpetually near you, and I want to please you. I humbly and sincerely ask for this in the name of Jesus Christ my King.
Amen and Amen.
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