The word faith has been trampled under foot over the last few decades (perhaps far longer) and ultimately redefined in general culture to mean something far different than what God intended.
What most believe the word faith means:
- Saying you believe while showing little to no signs that you actually do.
- Believing something fully while most, if not all, evidence points to the contrary. (a.k.a. blind faith, where the word blind is omitted as though it's understood)
- Your own personal opinion, or whatever you desire to be true (e.g. "Well, I choose to believe this or that.")
Each of these definitions of the word "faith" are wrong ... 100% false. Faith - TRUE faith - means you are committed to and trust fully in something. And you act accordingly, which demonstrates that you really do believe. For example, a person who says they believe a chair will support their weight, but will not sit in that chair with their full weight without some trepidation, or at all, does not actually have faith in the chair, despite what they've said they believe. Equally, someone who says that they need a parachute before jumping out of a plane at 18,000 feet, but jumps out of the plane without said parachute, does not have faith that the parachute is paramount to their survival.
And a person who says they have faith in Christ (that they are a Christian, or a Catholic, or a Baptist, or a follower of Christ, etc.) and that He is in full control and that His ways are best, but does not seek to understand His Word and then act upon it, trusting in it fully, committing to it ... does NOT have true faith. Not by an infinitely long shot.
Faith results in works. To be clear, works do nothing on their own. Nada. Filthy rags. But, equally, faith without works (per James) is dead. A so-called faith without works is simply not the faith God is talking about in scripture. It's an illusion that the enemy is thrilled that you're fooled by. And that illusion is very, very dangerous. It's the kind of illusion that ends with the words, "I never knew you", directed toward you on the final day. I know this is harsh truth, but it's critical.
Wearing a Harvard sweatshirt and saying you went there, when you were never received an acceptance letter, never went to classes there, never lived in the dorms, never passed your classes, never walked the stage and accepted your diploma ... means nothing more than you are a liar, perhaps mostly to yourself. It only means that you claim something that is an outright untruth about you.
This concept is one of the main misunderstandings between Catholics and Protestants. Catholics complain that Protestants believe that all you must do is say a little sinner's prayer (repeat after me) and then all's well. No change in life necessary after that. Conversely, Protestants complain that Catholics are hyper-focused on the law, on works, but are missing the main point in that they do works in some vain attempt to earn points with God.
Truth is, both sides of this argument are correct in some sense, about some within the population.
- Many self-labeled Protestants actually do believe that all it takes is some heartfelt prayer stated at the height of emotion in order to be saved, and that no further repentance or action is needed. "Return to your previous life with full assurance." This is equally dead wrong on a fundamental level: If you find yourself to be uncompelled to do things God's way in full faith commitment and total trust in Him, you may not really be saved! Again, you may be shocked when Jesus says, "I never knew you either!" on judgement day. This should terrify you!
- And there are many self-labeled Catholics who are following the rules pretty darn well, but aren't doing it because they trust in Jesus, having a personal relationship with Him. This might be because they were taught the truth incorrectly, or they simply weren't listening very well ... OR they simply can't believe that they are saved by grace through faith ... and still believe that they must continue to strive on their own, on TOP OF what Christ did.

So, if you are working hard to earn grace, but have not given your full heart, soul and mind to Him, I urge you to do so as quickly as possible. You have - up until now - misunderstood faith and may not be saved. He has been waiting patiently for you to get it.
And if you continue to float in your own world of preferences and actions, saying you have faith and are a Christian, you are likely not saved either, because your faith is not true. You need to get your heart right with Him through full surrender to Jesus, making him LORD (owner and controller) of your life. Then, and only then, will the fruits begin to surface in your life.
Father, let me be a medium of your truth to the world. Let YOUR thoughts, YOUR desires, YOUR attitudes flow through me without soiling it with my flawed thinking. More of you, less of me. Please, I beg you Lord. In Jesus name. Amen.
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