ATHEIST: "Okay, so if Jesus was really even a person that existed in the first place, who says he's the son of God? Maybe he was just some whack-job, or a liar or some magician who fooled people."
ME: "Well, we haven't established that there really IS a God in our conversation, yet, but I'll address this one out of order. First, you're right about one thing: Either Jesus WAS a liar, a lunatic or the actual Messiah - the Son of God. By the way, He also was God Himself - the 2nd person of the trinity. One God, three persons. He made direct claims to be God, so you have to choose. Best to have all the info before deciding on that one, though. Second, Jesus most definitely lived on earth, did the things that he was documented to have done, died on a cross, and rose from the dead. This is shown in both Christian documentation, as well as secular and other religious-based documentation of the time. Jesus' time on earth is actually more historically accurate and factual than almost any other historical series of events of that approximate era. It is fact."
ATHEIST: "Well, Muslims say he's a prophet at best, and never really died on the cross. He either never died OR the person on the cross wasn't really him, but just looked like him."
ME: "I've heard that claim, too. But it's completely bogus. First off, Islam did not even come about until approximately 600 years after Christ died on the cross. 600 years. We start doubting the credibility of historical events even after 200 years. Second, this comes from a single "prophet" called Muhammed who went into a cave, was apparently visited by the arch-angel Gabriel, and told him all of what Muslims believe. Not saying it's dead wrong, but taking his word on it ... a guy who killed his son to have sex with his son's wife? A guy who changed the Qu'ran from peaceful passages that ultimately became violent "kill all those who won't convert to Islam" passages? (Check out this vid for some other little publicized factoids about Islam) Finally, there were witnesses, things done to Jesus that make it impossible (not implausible, but impossible) for him to have survived, etc."
ATHEIST: "Well, I have more questions about that, but I'll wait until we get there, I guess. What's next? You going to tell me how the Easter Bunny is real?"
ME: "Hey - I'm cool talking about this, but let's keep it respectful, cool?"
ATHEIST: "Cool. Sorry - just kidding."
ME: "So we left off with an Intelligent Creator who must have started everything based on the complexity of the creation. Something can not come from nothing. Every effect has a cause, and the original effect had to have been started from outside the system."
ATHEIST: "Right."
ME: "Let's move on to life from non-life. You mentioned evolution. Cool theory with a lot of weight and scientific study behind it. By the way, it's still just a THEORY, even though the secular scientific community has dropped the "theory of" language along with statements that begin with "we now believe". Makes it sound like absolute fact, coupled with offering no other alternatives, doesn't it? I digress. Life. Let's start with the most simple life form - the single-celled organism. This life form is an inconsequential fraction of the complexity of a human, but even so, it is an incredibly complex machine. Starting with protons and neutrons, with electrons circling that nucleus in perfect precision. Tied to millions of other atoms making up that cell. It's amazing to think about it. Saying that this thing came from non-life? It does not matter the combination of chemicals, minerals and pixie dust ... life does not come from non-life. It just doesn't. How did that "first life" happen? And when have you seen an explosion create something complex? Explosions actually reduce complexity."
ATHEIST: "Okay, that kind of makes sense, but what about DNA - the intelligence of life? That had to have come from millions of years of evolution."
ME: "It could have, but with a probability that asymptotically is approaching zero. You see, even with that simplest life form, the intelligence within it - if written down - would equal enough encyclopedias of unique and complex information to horizontally stack up all the way to the moon. I know - amazing. Scientists have documented this. In fact, all of what I'm saying is directly from science, not the Bible necessarily."
ATHEIST: "Yeah - I've noticed that. You haven't quoted me one Bible verse yet. Usually I talk to Christians who just use church words and seem to believe this stuff blindly."
ME: "Unfortunately, many probably do believe it all blindly. However, they aren't any different from anyone else. Many people - believers, atheists, et al - sometimes just believe what we've been told and don't look into it ourselves. In fact, have you ever done any scientific experimentation yourself? Or have you simply believed the scientific community blindly? Not saying they are trying to pull a fast one - just trying to get you to see the irony. Any scientist is a person - and that person comes with certain biases. One may start with the belief that God does not exist, so he must figure out how things happened without a God. Another scientist may start with a belief in God, and - from there - determine how God created. You end up with different results."
ATHEIST: "Interesting - hadn't ever thought of it that way. Still not convinced, but I'm appreciating the perspective here. Let's keep rolling."
ME: "Cool. Thanks for being open to the discussion. So many simply don't want to hear it. They are so afraid of being duped and subsequently embarrassed that they won't listen to logic. It's all pride at base. But God calls us to humble ourselves and seek Him with an honest, open heart."
ATHEIST: "Okay - you just mentioned something I've always wondered about ... humility. How come Christians act like they are so much better than everyone?"
ME: "Again, fair. There ARE many people (believers and non-believers who act that way). No one should be that way, especially not Christians who are called to always have a servants heart. My apologies for those Christians. We are not better - not even by a smidge. We simply understand that we're flawed and can't do it alone. We need Christ to save us and to help us be what God created us to be."
ATHEIST: With spirit: "That's another one! Servants! Christians believe in slavery! They justified it hundreds of years ago through the Bible! Ha - explain that one!"
ME: Chuckling: "Okay, we'll discuss that one, too, but how are you doing on time?"
ATHEIST: "I can keep talking. This is actually pretty interesting. No one has ever talked this through with me before. Don't get me wrong - I'm not ready to become a Jesus freak, just interested in the conversation."
ME: Smiling: "No bible beating for you yet - got it. Let's answer that last off-the-path question, then get back to the foundational stuff. Cool?"
ATHEIST: "Cool."
To the reader: Willing to continue? (Continue >>)
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