"We long for light but sink into darkness, long for
brightness but stumble through the night."
Isaiah 59:9 (The Message)
Sin is a depressing subject. No one wants to dwell too long on their shortcomings. In fact, we don't want to even admit that we sin. But we sin. We
all do.
Some may say, "I don't sin" or "I'm a pretty good person". But whose standard are they using to come to that conclusion? Not God's, that's for sure. Are they using their own standards? Flawed by nature. Others' standards? Same. Any standard we are using that ends with, "I'm probably okay," is subjective (from flawed humans), not objective (from God). If you adjust the standard enough, and slowly enough over time with almost imperceptible changes, degree by degree, we can eventually justify anything.
But God and His standard
does not change.
"Our wrongdoings pile up before you, God, our sins stand up
and accuse us. Our wrongdoings stare us down; we know in detail what we've done: mocking and denying God, not following our God, spreading false rumors, inciting sedition,
pregnant with lies, muttering malice."
Isaiah 59:12-14 (The Message)
Salvation takes a recognition that we need to be saved. Who seeks salvation who thinks they're just fine? But once we acknowledge our sin (and we ALL do), we are ready to accept the free gift of Salvation.
We regularly fall short of God's desires for us, and
He wants to hear us acknowledge this and depend on
Him in every area of our lives.
People hate to hear this Truth. It's intolerant or judgmental to modern sensibilities. But that is because those "sensibilities" have been created little by little, over time. They've snuck up on us because we weren't paying attention anymore to what God has said from the beginning.
Truth is an amoral concept that does not judge nor tolerate anything. It simply is. If we use Truth to beat others over the head, yes, it can then become judgmental, but discussing sin with an end goal of lovingly pointing it out so that another can realize that it is sin, then turn away from it? This is love.
But today it does not seem to be accepted as love. "Good is missing in action. Anyone renouncing evil is beaten and robbed." Isaiah 59:15
There will always be push back against Truth which the popular majority does not wish to be true. So be it. We must stand up for God's Truth, regardless, all the while working on our own sin, which we continue to commit ... every one of us, every day.
Thank God (literally) that He's made a way to overcome the punishment for that sin through Jesus.