Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Jesus is the Absolute Paradox, Common Sense 101

I'm reading Common Sense 101, a book about G.K. Chesterton. Amazing.

Here's a snippet of the goodness of Chesterton's mind:

"And then there is the paradox at the at the heart of all truth. The ultimate paradox. The absolute paradox. Jesus Christ. That God should come to earth as a humble servant is quite contrary to expectation. That he should suffer and die is not how we would have written the script. That he should rise from the dead is beyond wonderful. Jesus is one surprise after another. He goes against our expectations. But Jesus is also the Contradiction: the collision of the eternal with the temporal, the infinite with the finite, the Creator with the creature, the invisible with the visible, the Spirit with the flesh, life with death. Here we encounter the God-man, the King who is a servant, the Spirit who is a Rock, the Lion who is a Lamb: Jesus Christ." 
"Christ has to be a paradox. We would accept nothing less." 
"The Cross has always been called the sign of contradiction. It is the horizontal contradicted by the vertical. It is time contradicted by eternity. It is sin contradicted by forgiveness. It is death contradicted by life." 
"What is left for us to do? Bow down and worship. That is the final paradox. Chesterton says, 'The worshipper never feels taller than when he bows.'"
From Common Sense 101, by Dale Ahlquist 


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