The problem is this: We worship the new instead of the Eternal. And when we worship the new, we are always changing our allegiances, because there will always be something newer. Look at the schools of Art in the last hundred years: impressionism, post-impressionism, futurism, modernism, post-modernism, post-post-modernism. The very titles given to the new schools refer only to the sequence of time and what Chesterton calls a "monomania of rivalry". He says it is "just as if one controversialist were called a Thursdayist, and the other completely eclipsed him by being a Fridayite ... the notion that every generation proves the last generation worthless, and is in its turn proved worthless by the next generation, is an everlasting vision of worthlessness."
From Common Sense 101, Alquist
Too many truly believe that our generation is the brightest and most lucid regarding reality in all of history. Our kids will think this, our kids' kids will think this, too, and look back at our time and what we think now with a role of the eyes. They will suffer with the same pride filled assuredness that we did.
At some point, a rational person must take a humble posture and concede that we aren't capable of what we keep pretending to be. That we aren't as smart as we think we are.
Truth is eternal. It comes from a Truth Giver who must exist, otherwise our existence makes no sense. It is illogical and irrational.
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