I know you think that you're a good guy ... and you are. I know that you think you can be good without a God ... and you can be. I know you're a smart guy with good common sense, who has it all under control. I know. I was you (literally), so I remember your perspective on life.
But, as the artist formerly know as the symbol that means the artist formerly known as Prince said, "There's something else ...". You're rolling your eyes inside - I know - but bear with me on this. I have 15 years of experience on you and I've learned a few things that you simply don't know yet.
I know you're a skeptic. And to question things is healthy. But if it stops you from looking further into something because you've decided, "that just can't be ... not worth spending time on", you are only hurting yourself. Again, I know. I'm you. In fact, for the next 8-9 years, you will continue to think guys like me are deluded, misinformed, goofy, and a bit dull to believe what I believe. But that will change, and it will change rapidly.
I'll be direct: God is real. 100%. Jesus is His son and you need Him. You will never become the man you were created to be without putting faith in Jesus. And you won't spend eternity with Him either, if you don't give in and accept the free gift He offers. What scares me is, you could die at any time and you would spend eternity in the other place - away from God. Thankfully, I know that you survive (because I'm writing you now), and now you are fully saved and growing in your understanding of God and a resemblance to Christ.
Again, with the eye rolling. I get it.
Here are a few seed questions I'd like to plant with you, Greg. They are things to start thinking about over the coming years. Things to consider that you've not considered fully before.
- Meaning. What is the meaning of your life? Is it simply random and - as such - without purpose? If so, how do you feel about that? Does that feel right to you?
- We exist. How? How did anything come to be? How did life come from no life? How are you even thinking about this in a philosophical, rational, and lucid way? Could you have come from a random explosion of nothing into this immense universe, with the collection of diverse and complex life we see, with the vast DNA data represented in each of our cells, and with the ability to discuss such things? Is that even possible? Is that even reasonable?
- Jesus proved to be who He said He was. Jesus did die. Jesus did rise from the grave. This isn't faith - this is historically documented and supported by secular and other non-Christian historians. Jesus IS who He said He was - the Son of God AND God Himself in human flesh. This I know from both statistical probability of one man fulfilling even a small subset of the prophesies about Him AND from my personal interactions with Him. "What? Personal interactions?" Yes. I know Him.
- I am not you. I am a new man. I am no longer you. You are dead, Greg. You died when I accepted Christ in 2010. I know that's the future for you, but know that I have a renewed mind. I am in the same physical body, but I (the real me inside of me) is 100% new and improved. Trust me, life is so much better. It took humility (which you are short on now) for this to happen. But once I humbled myself and sincerely thought, God took the reigns and brought me the rest of the way. I know that doesn't make tons of sense now, but you'll see.
Greg, God (the one you're not so sure even exists) IS here and He loves you more than you could even fathom possible. You are smart and strong, but you are not as smart or strong as you think you are. Unfortunately, you'll learn this the hard way. Sometimes it takes a fall to break us of our pride.
- Once you accept Christ into your life, Greg, you will be so hungry for His word and the Truth you've been blind to, you won't believe how many books you read in the first 3-4 years.
- Once you begin your journey as a Christian, Greg, you will be on fire to share with everyone about the good news of Jesus. You'll lose some friends, who will believe that you've lost it. And that's okay.
- Once you seek Him and find Him, it will be like someone turned on bright flood lights, showing you things you won't believe you couldn't see before. It will rattle you and shake you to the core.
- Once you become His, you will gain a desire to live not for you, but for Him and for others. He will start the process of sculpting you, removing the barnacles and mud and stains and warts. It will hurt at times, but it will be for your good.
I so want to shake you out of your sleep, Greg. But I can't. God's timing is not mine. He has plans for you that include this unbelieving season in your life. As a result - I now know - you will be able to speak to others (like you) who don't yet believe and, because you are as you are now, you will have credibility and can empathize with their way of thinking ... and see the flaws. And that was God's plan all along. So clear to see in the rear view mirror.
The Older Me
Follower of Christ, my Lord and Savior
Follower of Christ, my Lord and Savior
P.S. Return to your eye rolling ;)
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