Thursday, August 11, 2016

FAITH: One of the most misused terms in history

Let's cut straight to the chase. Faith in God and in a Savior named Jesus Christ is a knowledge that His way is infinitely better than my way. Therefore, having faith in Him does not mean that I believe He exists or that His claims of deity are real, etc. That I know. 

What FAITH means is,
I don't do things my way anymore. 

In every situation and under all circumstances, I look to what He says and I do that. My life is now run by Him, not by me. And that is where my FAITH rests - in knowing that His ways - even if I don't understand - are just better. The best.

I've come to this verdict for two reasons:
  1. Left to my own devices, I tend to (at best) make 50% good decisions (based on God's standards, not the world's or my own). That means half of the decisions I make are imperfect (e.g. selfish, prideful, emotional, etc.) or downright wrong. This is bad given God needs perfection, holiness, purity in order to be near Him.
  2. His way is always 100% right. Every time, in all circumstances ... no doubt. Always has been.

So, given the option of running things the way I think are right (which are 50% wrong at best), I'll put my Trust in Jesus, let Him be Lord of my life, and just chill with the "I know better" thinking.

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