I've seen such sophomoric behavior from those who are upset about our current President. I must admit, I don't understand the level of outrage. Perhaps I'm not watching the right "news sources" who are stirring the pot. I know that he said certain off-color and/or suspect things during the election cycle (some indefensible, others completely taken out of context), but he's done nothing. Nothing. Every reaction is a dramatic over-rotation, coupled with a, "See! See! He's horrible!"
But the outrage doesn't seem to match the reality. So far, he's signed an Executive Order to defund Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest provider of abortion. I'm for that redirection of funds. He's assigned a conservative Supreme Court Justice. No surprises there. Most recently, he signed an Executive Order temporarily halting travel to/from 7 nations known for extreme terrorism. This has been spun hyper-rapidly into "xenophobia" and "islamophobia". To be clear, I have compassion for good folks who are in flux because of the temporary halt to travel, but there seems to be constant over-rotation, even pre-emptive outrage in response to everything, with expectation that he will do something horrible, even though he hasn't done a thing quite yet.
It's silly. I can't describe it any better than that. It seems like a group of spoiled brat students who are "up in arms" against a substitute teacher who is assumed to be horrible based on stories they've heard, even things he may have said in the past, but is just doing his job at this point. These 7th grade students are rolling their eyes and crossing their arms and making snide, disrespectful comments at literally everything it seems. But the teacher is just teaching so far. And they are outraged with a knee jerk, hair trigger: "He assigned us homework! I told you he was the next Hitler! See!?"
See what? To which they respond, "You're an alt-right bigot for even asking!"
And it's to the point of bullying and violence by these childish students who believe it's their right to have temper tantrums that impact normal, good citizens. They believe that looting, burning cars, and pepper spraying anyone who disagrees with them is fully justified. This is "bullying" defined.
And the "popular" kids have joined in: the actors and music artists, and others of left-leaning, high-profile influence on society. They're dog-piling on with constant vitriol-ridden speeches at awards shows, "comedy pieces" and parodies, making fun of our new leader. Hey, I'm all for good humor... ask anyone who knows me. But no one made fun of Obama like this ... not even 1% as much. Not that there wasn't significant comedy gold awaiting, but it was not okay with the bullies to do that. And that's what they are - bullies. "You don't agree with our world view? We'll bully you into silence. We'll laugh at you, scorn you, point at you with our bully friends and cackle."
It's pitiful. It's childish. And it's disconcerting that this is where we have landed as a people. Completely polarized and calling the other side the devil. What happened to respect for one another? Respect for those voted fairly into positions of authority? How about some basic good manners? Politeness and mature discourse? It seems to have vanished.
We are left with one side hopeful that at least some of their worldview might be recaptured, and the other side acting a fool, giving no credit to our leader even if he does something good. Just watch. He will do many good things over the next 6 months. But those things will not be acknowledged. The other side is simply too convinced that he is something their minds have dreamt up ... which is really a poorly drawn stereotype - a caricature - of who they fear he might be. No waiting to see if it's, in fact, true. Just a preemptive assumption and eruption for what he "will do".
As a Christian, I know I'm to be still and know that God has this. But it's hard. Seeing pure ignorance and bullying prevail... even lifted up as right and good... is disheartening. I pray that God put a stop to it. Or, even better, let it continue because it's part of a plan I don't yet understand. Because if it's His plan, it is good. And I'm 100% good with that.
I do trust you Lord. Thank you for being a promise keeper. Give me patience and compassion and forgiveness and discernment and love. In Jesus name. Amen.
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