I met yesterday morning with a man named Ruben. I've been mentoring his son, but I don't know Ruben that well. He seems like a great guy and has obviously raised a great young man, so that says something about him for sure. Ruben and his wife got pregnant in their mid-teens, in High School back in California and (1) decided to keep the baby and (2) made it work and stuck together. Exemplary, and extremely mature for two kids in high school. Very inspiring. I can imagine the pressure that was put on them to abort their son and to not get married. I can hear the worldly voices now:
"You are too young!" and "You're throwing your life away!"
To fight against those forceful, societal voices at the ages of 15 and 16 ... amazing. And I can't imagine a world without a man like Ruben's son. I'm so proud of him. And I know Ruben must look back and thank God for the choices he and his wife made.
I wonder if anyone looks back with regret on a decision to keep a child. I just can't picture that. However, to abort and feel regret, to feel shame and remorse, I can fully imagine that. And I'm compassionate toward those who have made that decision, and she'll that regret. But we actually HAD that hindsight, I imagine, it would really be no choice at all.
Imagine this: We have figured out a way to travel forward in time, and we have made it a requirement for a woman considering abortion to flash forward and spend an hour EACH with the five-year-old, the fifteen-year-old, the 25 year-old, AND the 35 year old version of their to-be child before making the decision.
Imagine that for a moment. No one - unless they were pure evil, would still choose abortion after those interactions. And if they still did chose abortion, aren't laws in place to protect our society from such people? Isn't that the very definition of the term sociopath?
But this is not the perspective of mothers today who choose abortion. They're not thinking in terms of the to-be person they are choosing the snuff out.
Imagine further that, in that flashforward meeting, the to-be mother had to explain to their to-be child why she must abort her. Just imagine how that extremely awkward conversation would go.
"So, I can't live because you're not ready? You were certainly ready to have sex, though, but not to allow me live after making that decision? You do know how babies are made, don't you?"
"So I'm inconvenient? You're too poor? It's your body? What? This doesn't look like your body, mom. This looks like MY body to me."
Mom. Yeah, that's right.
Could you really imagine the 25 or 35 year old saying, "Yes mom, I completely understand why you need to erase me from existence after you decided to have sex which resulted in my existence. You chose to have sex, which can and usually does result in pregnancy (AKA to 'be with child'), but I respect that after you already chose that, it's still your choice, since my body apparently is your body somehow."
Imagine a choice to kill her going well in any scenario. You can't.
More likely, she would say, "I know you were poor and I was potentially destined for a very hard life. But you didn't even give me the chance. Instead of a hard life, you chose no life for me."
God, wake this country. Show them the monstrous act that is abortion in it's real terms so we can change our laws to reflect sanity. We are so very lost. Please Lord, I ask this humbly in Jesus name. Amen
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