"proof" of God?
Can we run a laboratory experiment using the scientific method and produce Him or absolute proof of Him? Well no, of course not. First, He is outside of this data set - outside of the space and time in which we find ourselves. Second, there IS unending, overwhelming evidence of Him falling all around us like an avalanche.
Let's look at it this way:
Within a painting, is there proof of the painter?In a novel, is there proof of the author? In a dance performed, is there proof of the choreographer? No, there is not. But there is quite obvious evidence within said painting, story, dance, sculpture, building, electronic device, automobile, aircraft, sand castle ... of an intelligent, purposeful, intentional creator, though, isn't there?
And how might one prove Vincent Van Gough? Well, one can't in reality. But they can know he existed through seeking evidence in his many, many paintings, all in his unique style ... via books written about Vincent (a.k.a. through witnesses, or through those who knew and interviewed witnesses), and by the many artist since who were influenced by his work, some striving to emulate him ... to be like him.
There is this strange prevailing attitude that faith in God and Jesus is at odds with with science. But it's absolutely not. Many (if not most) of the original scientists were, in fact, believers in God including Kepler, Copernicus, Bacon, Galilei, Descartes, Pascal, Newton, Boyle, Faraday, Mendel, Kelvin, Plank and even Einstein (here are even more: 131 Christians Everyone Should Know). They were not all Christian, but they did know that God was there. And even today, there is a long, long list of leading Scientists who are devout believers, despite common blackballing of believers in the scientific community and academia (List of Christians in Science and Technology).
"Contrary to the claims of the new atheists, most scientists do not necessarily see religion and science as always being in conflict. Rice University sociologist Elaine Howard Ecklund and coauthors studied the responses of scientists at 21 elite U.S. universities, finding that only 15% thought that science and religion were always in conflict. About half expressed some form of religious affiliation."
In fact, belief in God is what drove a large number of scientists to conduct science themselves ... to answer the questions, "How did God do all of this? How does it all work? What is it that makes all of what we see, hear, taste, smell and touch hum?" Science, for these Scientists, was/is a deeper seeking of the workings God's creation.
Rather, what is at odds is not faith in God vs science, but a difference in bias and in worldview. Some in the scientific community have created a Creed of sorts, precluding anything outside of nature and our five senses. These individuals are NOT practicing science, but a religion of their own making. Science is intended to be truly open-ended: an unbiased method. Only this is true science.
Science has never been a belief system (although many treat it as such). Science, rather, is a tool to be used to chip away at how and what things are based on observation, theorizing, and testing.
If we are humble enough, we must acknowledge that we are but observing and testing shells on the beach, while the immense ocean of the unknown lies before us. And if we persists in our humility, we'll admit that probabilities preclude us from ever getting past wet toes. We are simply incapable of going further than a certain point. Not that we're at that point yet, but much of what exists is beyond our comprehension ... beyond our feeble collective minds' grasp. I believe that is by design.
In both Christian and non-Christian circles, faith is a factor. But "faith" (not blind faith as Dawkins assumes, but faith in its full and true definition) is a commitment based on adequate evidence upon which to base said faith. And there is FAR more evidence for God, the claims of Christ, and the inevitable effects of living the Christian life, than for the opposing worldview. Mountains upon mountains more, in fact.

I pray that they seek Truth without bias or presupposition. I pray they conduct true science. I pray the same for Christians - to know the evidence so that we can effectively help those wearing blinders currently. I once wore these blinders. I was not stupid ... I was simply ignorant and bull headed, ignoring a whole body of evidence based on a bias. And those who choose to seek humbly will find that Matthew, quoting Jesus, was dead on when he said,
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7)
He is there, just waiting for you to seek Him. If you do, you WILL find Him as I did. Will you conduct true science, seeking real truth? Or will you rest in an area of arrogant ignorance as I did for too long? I pray that you take the step and ultimately find.
God bless.
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