"Sets his heart on seeking God ..."
Bottom line is, those who set their heart on anything always DO something about it. When your "heart's not in it", it shows through inaction, or sluggish action at best.
"Well, give me an example of what you mean, Greg."
Okay, since you asked, I will ...
Later in 2 Chronicles 31 it says that the Israelites gave generously (finally!) of their first fruits. In their case, this meant the BEST of their grains, cattle, wine, honey, etc. For us, in modern terms, this usually boils down to our money. As a result of the Israelites' generous giving, the Levites who were called to dedicate their lives to God only and fully, had "enough to eat and plenty to spare".
Enough to eat and plenty to spare.
Imagine that. Imagine all the world's people having enough and plenty to spare.
This is possible. But we as Christians must lead the charge.
Don't have enough to give? Baloney. Sorry to be so blunt, but you're either defining "enough" wrong or you are simply oblivious to what enough means to a person in a 3rd world country living joyfully on the absolute minimum.
"But you don't understand what bills I have to pay!" you say. My response: "You HAVE bills. They don't even have that luxury." And you wouldn't have ANY money to pay bills if it weren't given to you by the God who provides all for us.

Don't answer that. You and I both know the answer is, "of course". So, I think it's long past time to stop making excuses. There are REAL HUMANS, made in the image of God, who are suffering while we debate whether we need cable, or that new car, or a slightly bigger house because this one's too cramped. Enough is enough. Time to check our hearts.
Obey. If you love Him and you love people (as we're commanded), you will just obey, with full faith.
It's for His glory.
It's for the least of these.
And - believe it or not - it's for your good.
No more excuses. Just do it.
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