Here's another one to try to wrap your human, limited brain around: God is forever. We're comfortable with statements like "God is infinite" and "God is omnipresent" because we've heard them so often. But think about it: God is forever. That amazes me, confuses me, and it strikes me with a deep sense of awe.
We use the term loosely in our daily conversations.
"I'll love you forever."
"I'll be a Cowboys fan forever."
"He will forever be remembered for..."
But forever - think about that word. That is unending. That is infinite. That is super natural. Nothing in this world will last forever. Absolutely nothing, including the world itself.
But God is forever. Unchanging, regardless of how much we change.
This is because God is. He is the Great I Am. He existed before the natural world we know. He existed before time, which is weird to think about since the word "before" in that last sentence is inappropriate since pre-time didn't have a before or after. See I did it again! I I used the past tense! But there's more! He'll also exist after time ends.
God is to be feared. He is to be revered... to be considered with awe and humility.
And that same God, who is so infinitely powerful, infinitely knowing, and forever ... loves us with a perfect love. He loves us so much that he sent HIMSELF in flesh and bone into this world to live the life we could never live, and to die as a perfect sacrifice for all of our sins, so that we could live in eternity ... FOREVER ... with Him.
What a Christmas gift He is giving us.
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