For 38 years of my life I was arrogant and ignorant. When I say this, I speak truth, however I realize it makes my unbelieving friends think I am talking about them. I'm not, however if they are feeling that, I think they should take heed. I wish I had so much earlier.
The Full Life is only in Him. I know this now. However before I I sought Him, and saw the actual Truth and full wisdom, I thought it was foolish. Silliness. A bunch of people with blind faith, following an imaginary God.
I saw a post yesterday from an unbelieving acquaintance that reflected the same arrogant ignorance I once had ... and it took everything in me not to respond with snarkiness and condescension. The truth is, he simply does not know yet. The appropriate phrase is arrogance ignorance, but saying that to him will not draw him toward Christ. He is filled with pride, and that will only exacerbate that pride. He currently has a false understanding of the faith and of truth given to him by a poor upbringing in a church environment where he was not taught what it's really about. Since then he's been poisoned by our world that will tell him bastardized versions of what it's really about, which make it seem even sillier to him to even consider. The enemy grins as he holds him tightly in these lies.
I cannot save him. No matter how many witty comebacks and brilliant argument I make. I do not have the power to save.
He must choose to seek the truth of God and His rock solid promises. My friend must humble himself and sincerely seek Him.
Only then will he actually find Jesus. Not the version of Jesus he currently has in his head, but the REAL Jesus: the son of God, God himself, the Word who was and is and is to come. My Lord and Savior.
This morning I pray for my facebook friend, and others like him, that they will drop their arrogance and pride... that they'll drop their guard and fear that they'll be duped somehow... if only for a moment ... and REALLY seek to understand and know our Creator. I ask this in the perfect name of Jesus. Amen.
My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.
Psalm 2:1-5
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