You would think that I wake up each morning saying to myself, "Greg, what are you going to blog about today?" But that's actually not what happens.
Allow myself to explain ... myself.
I begin by spending a little bit of time each morning in a daily devotional. Then I read from the Bible, whether it be Psalms or Proverbs or something in the New Testament. And as I read, even if I've only read one verse, I suddenly feel compelled to convey something about a piece of Godly wisdom that has just struck me.
And the right word is compelled.
I would truly have to fight back the urge with significant effort to not post about it.
So I do. Sometimes multiple times a day, as some of you are well aware :-) My dad uses the word prolific.
But where does that compulsion come from? I know that it does not come from me, although my secular friends would try to argue with me on that, I know. But here's the Truth: I am compelled by the Holy Spirit. I know this.
For my an unbelieving friends, this elicits the image of the Priests from the movie, The Exorcist, yelling "The power of Christ compels you!" Spoooooooky.
But there is no other way to explain it. This is how it happened with the Prophets and with the other human writers of the 66 books of the Bible. They were compelled ... inspired by God ... to convey His message of redemption, reconciliation and salvation.
Was the Bible written by men? Of course. But they were inspired by God. Hence the words are God's words.
Why do I blog so much? Because I trust Him, and know that whatever He is compelling me to say, that I must say. And that my friends and family need to hear it.
God bless you. I love you all.
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