Let's put this in context:
Let's say that there was a chapter in one of Paul's Epistles where he tells us that God says to submerge ourselves in water completely ... it's a new commandment, let's say. And now let's say as believers we are all standing around a lake. Which type of believer would you be?
Would you be on the dock with your feet dipping into the water?
Would you be wading into the water up to the hip?
Or would you be - like me at times - up to the neck, but with your head still above water, because you don't fully trust?
This is how it seems I live my life. I want to be fully submerged. I sprint into the water only to get to shoulder depth without dunking my head beneath the surface. Why?
The answer is simple, and equally pitiful. I like my oxygen. I like the comfort of the world. While I say outwardly that I fully trust Him and that He will provide, I find myself not fully trusting, subconsciously, even though I want to.
God is asking us to plunge, not just beneath the surface, but deep down into the depths of His way.
What stops you? He promises blessings for those who trust and obey. Why do we have a doubt for even a moment?
Lord I ask for your strength. I ask for you to give me a full trust in you. That sounds crazy in my worldly mind to ask you to give me the trust in you that I need. But I find myself failing over and over and over again. I know that none of the comfort that I have matters. It is all just a chasing of the wind that will never fulfill. God, I ask that you shove me out of my comfort zone and onto your path for me. This scares me to death, but I ask this in the name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior, in the name of God the Father, the Creator of all things, and in the name of the Holy Spirit, my counselor. Amen.
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