Mammon is an Aramaic word meaning "riches". This concept of a god of wealth comes from the Babylonians, and was adopted by Assyrians. Babylon, a city founded on pride and arrogance, had an attitude that man doesn't need God, that we're self-sufficient.
Can you think of another Nation in modern times who is basically making the same statement? "You don't need God! Trust in riches!"
In John Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost, he puts Mammon at the right hand of Satan, set apart from the other five demon generals of Satan. This is because Mammon is the god (small g) that fights for our attention most, especially in our 1st world reality.
You may recognize Mammon from the New Testament. In Matthew 6, Jesus declares, "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon".
It is absolutely possible to serve Mammon (again, wealth, financial comfort) instead of serving God. In fact, many do. I know that I have for the majority of my life. But it's also impossible to serve both at the same time. You either love one and hate the other, or you are loyal to one and despise the other. It is that black and white.
The biggest problem is this: Mammon promises all the things that we should be seeking from God ... the things only God can truly provide: security, significance, identity, independence, power, and freedom. Mammon promises these things, but never delivers ultimately. God, on the other hand, promises these things ... and through trust and obedience, He always delivers.
So which is our best bet?
Ultimately, they are opposites:
Mammon is the system of this world, not of God and his way. Mammon says that we should spend our time buying and selling. God says to spend our time sowing and reaping. Mammon says we should cheat and steal to get what we want. God says that if we give, we will receive. Mammon thrives on selfishness. God's way is based on selflessness and generosity.
Mammon is the demonic spirit that curses a Love of money. Mammon does not equal money. Put directly, money is not evil. It's the LOVE of money that is the root of all kinds of evil.
If you have the God-given ability to build wealth, by all means go for it! But remember this:
1. Do not put money in a place where God should exist in your life. Certainly, do not put it above God.
2. Make sure to acknowledge where this abundance comes from by returning the first of your first fruits to Him. It was never your to begin with.
3. Your best investment, by far, is one in His kingdom. As mentioned, this is the blessing of multiplication through giving over and above the tithe. Trust me on this one. Better, trust HIM on this one.
Trust and obey. That's the way.
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