Generally speaking, we were all imprinted with a natural instinct that calibrates what rings to us as true. I have reasonable knowledge to conclude that God Himself gave us this sense - more evidence for His existence, of course. As we know, feelings can't be trusted, especially considering they are usually influenced by a slowly shifting society that thinks in ways no one would have believed 40-50 years earlier. So don't confuse this logical "instinct" with feelings.
Let's test the instinct ...
Does this statement strike you as true? "God hates homosexuals." Doesn't jive, does it? Of course not. Okay, how about this? "God loves homosexuals the same way He loves everyone of His children." Yeah, that rings true, doesn't it?
So, let's take this to its logical conclusion: If God loves homosexuals, and Christ loves homosexuals, then Christians (people trying to be as Christ-like as they can, more and more each day) love homosexuals. Period. There is no hate in there.
There must be some confusion. We keep hearing statements about Christians hating homosexuals or being "anti-gay". If Christians don't (or shouldn't) hate homosexuals, what then is the confusion? Why all this talk about hatred and bigotry? Two answers:
- Some individuals calling themselves Christians have shown real hatred toward homosexuals. Shame on them. They are wrong. But don't confuse flawed Christians with Christianity itself.
- Statements of objective Truth not understood or not in line with popular opinion (based on subjectivity) are being taken as hatred or bigotry.
Dan Cathy, President of Chic Fil A, was interviewed last year. He stated his belief in the Biblical view of homosexuality and marriage. Instead of taking exception with the Bible and God Himself, the liberal media went to the extreme of calling Mr. Cathy "anti-gay", accusing him of bigotry and hatred. Wow. First, God forbid someone state what they believe (Freedom of Speech) and it contradict what's become popular and polarizing over the past few decades. God forbid he state Truth, objective Truth based on something solid and real versus opinion, feelings, and subjectivity. Second, he never said anything about gay people themselves - this is because he is NOT anti-gay, and does NOT hate gay people. Quite the contrary. He was simply discussing the concept of homosexuality and marriage, and his basis of belief.
God hates no one ... but He does hate sin. "Oh no he didn't! Homosexuality is a sin? Again with the hate!" C'mon, get real. I'm sorry that doesn't jive with everyone's personal opinion, but who gets to make the rules? You? Me? Hitler? Mother Theresa? Could you imagine if everyone's personal opinion counted in what was right or wrong? We must have a home base. A single objective rule-maker that sets the rules. How about the one who created us all? Crazy idea, right? No, not crazy ... it must be that way, or the whole house of cards will fall. So what He says goes. And He says: love the sinner (and we all are), hate the sin.
So, here is some truth, in love:
We all have challenges based on inclinations that came about somehow - chemical imbalances, childhood abuse, etc.. Yes, homosexuality is an inclination and a challenge for some individuals (called homosexuals), not unlike those who are inclined to over-eat, steal, or have anger-issues or self-hatred. We're asked by God to fight those inclinations because they are not good for us. God only gives instructions for our good, not to hold us back. He loves us, just like any good father loves His children.
How do you think a 3 year old "feels" when she joyfully runs toward a busy street to go touch the speeding cars, only to be snatched up by one of her parents and told, "No, you can't go out there in traffic! That's wrong! That's dangerous!" To the 3 year old, that may translate to "You don't want me to be happy!" We as adults get that this is not the case, but explain that to the 3 year old. To her, it feels right to run out into the traffic. "How dare you tell me it's wrong!" she thinks. Well, the parent knows better. And so does God, with regard to acting on homosexual or any other inclinations that are not good for us.
“Just because you are tempted to do something doesn’t mean that’s what is best for you.”
The boundaries for sex established by God in the Bible are there to protect us from painful consequences. Many, many legitimate studies have shown serious health risks associated with homosexual activity (e.g. 10-30 year decrease in life expectancy, 4000% greater chance of anal cancer, AIDS, etc.).
Trust me, as a man I have many inclinations that you would flip out about if I acted upon them. But the longer I've fought those inclinations and the more I've kept myself away from situations where I might become tempted and weak, the easier it's become to avoid the temptations. It's like getting in moral shape. And I continue to take measures to avoid temptation (e.g. accountability partners, etc.). I trust God and know that His instructions for me are not only True and objective, but that they are for my good.
I've discussed this enough for now. Bottom line, if you are a homosexual, you're either getting my point, you're hating me, or I've got you thinking. I'm hoping it's at least the latter.
But I am simply conveying Truth as I've learned it from a good amount of study. Also, if you're honest, this likely "rings true" to you, whether you're prepared to admit that or not at this point. You must make that decision, and it's not for me or anyone to condemn you, hate you or to look down upon you.
We are all God's children. Even those who deny Him. He gives us all free will because love cannot exist without the ability to choose to love back. He offers us a free gift that we may accept or reject. That gift is Jesus and the grace, love and hope that comes with accepting Him.
If you are Gay or Lesbian, God loves you and so do I. Ask Christ into your life. You don't need to be perfect or even all that great to do so. He accepts us where we are and as we are, then helps us become what He created us to be.
You are welcome to my Church. I look forward to getting to know you as an individual and - hopefully - as a brother or sister in Christ.
Much love. God bless.
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