But we're not here to talk about Mom. We're here to talk about Dad: The parent many believe is only there to bring home the bacon, punish the kids, and make funny sounds. While each of these is true (especially the last one - "hey, pull my finger"), there have been thousands of research studies on the subject and they all come to the same conclusions.
Kids without a Dad have:
- 5 times the average suicide rate
- Increased rates of depression
- Increased incarceration rate
- Decreased education levels – increased drop-out rates
- Lower average income levels
- Lower job security
- Increased divorce rates
- Increased substance abuse rates
- And so on
Note: Keep in mind, to varying degrees, this applies just as much to Dads who are hands-off, even if they are living in the same house or the same town.
So it turns out that maybe Dads are important to development of a well-adjusted child. Who knew?
Okay, sarcasm aside, I'll get to my point.
Both Dad and Mom are critical to the proper development of a human psyche. The combination of the two is the key. When one is absent from the picture, expect issues. In essence, Moms provide x, y and z factors a child needs as he/she develops. And Dads provide a, b and c factors a child needs as he/she develops. Mom can not effectively provide a, b and c, and Dad can not effectively provide x, y and z.
God created the family - Dad+Mom+kids. The whole thing is designed this way on purpose. Men need women. Women need men. Kids need both a Mom and a Dad. Period.
Not just a Mom.
Not just a Dad.
If you're thinking about divorce ... don't. No matter how bad it seems, it's nothing compared to the impact it will have on your children.
If you are a single Mom, try your best to find a father-figure for your kids, although nothing beats their biological Dad (if he isn't a deadbeat who ran out).
I'll hold back my comments on the gay "marriage", and the two mom or two dad scenario. Look for a post on that subject in the future. I digress.All of my thoughts are based on real and exhaustive research, God's plan as conveyed through his Word, my love for kids, and simple logic. Kids need the best start in this life - it's challenging enough without starting them off behind the eight-ball.
ASIDE: My apologies if I've hurt anyone's feelings - that wasn't my intent.
Final statement: "Dad, you are critical. Don't just be there ... BE there. Teach them, love them, communicate with them, participate in their activities, drop your selfish activities and focus on them. God gave those little munchkins to you. They are a gift and a responsibility. Take them seriously and be thankful."
God bless the family unit and God bless the next generation. May they grow up with a first-hand understanding of fatherly and Fatherly love.
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