Wednesday, January 8, 2014


You've seen the bumper sticker.  The word "coexist" written - cleverly - in the symbols of worldviews and/or belief systems.  The intent, as I understand it, is one of "live and let live" and "can't we all just get along?"  And who can argue with that?  I mean, imagine all the people, living life in peace (John Lennon).

If the intent is to say, "Let's love one another without fighting ... without war", I believe Jesus would be 100% on board.  So would I and so would any and every true Christian everywhere.

But there is another message I think the bumper sticker maker and the bumper sticker owners intend:  Leave everyone alone and let them go on believing whatever they believe ... I mean, who are you to press your beliefs on others?  What gives you the right ... right?  Let Hindus be Hindus, let Buddhists be Buddhists, let Muslims be Muslims, let Athiests be Athiests, and so on.

ASIDE:  Interestingly, though, this bumper sticker is usually donned on cars inhabited by folks that don't necessarily subscribe to any of these world views.

Okay - let's get this out fo the way:  To press or push your beliefs upon another is no ones' right.  However, sharing knowledge that you have in a loving and respectful way with someone else that likely does not know said news, is not pressing or pushing.  It's sharing with loving intent, not with ill intent.

Here is why a Christian can not - in good conscience - hold back from sharing his or her knowledge of the Truth:  One word - love.  Notice I did not use the term "faith" because that is one of those words - like "good" - of which most people have a very flawed definition.  They see that word and immediately think, "A silly trust in something or someone, despite logic and the facts."  That's not faith.  That's BLIND faith.  I will swap out "knowledge of the Truth" in the above sentence for "faith" if you promise to read it the way I mean it ... trust in something or someone in whom I have full and reasonable knowledge.

So why MUST a Christian share this knowledge and not just "Coexist" as the bumper sticker posits?  Simple - it's unloving NOT to share this Truth ... not unlike letting someone play with a clear liquid that looks harmless but is actually a highly dangerous chemical, or a seemingly empty beeker that is filled with a deadly pathogen, or an animal that looks cute and cuddly, but will actually kill if provoked.  Sitting there and watching them fall victim because they simply aren't in the know is cruel.  And while the examples I've just used are serious, they pale in comparison with the threat of eternity without God.

So - coexist?  You bet.  But it needs to be a loving, sharing coexistence.  It can not be a "let live", hands off approach to life and relationships.  That is irresponsible.  But the approach to the delivery of the knowledge is key.  It can not be blunt or harsh or condescending.  It must come in a loving, caring form ... over time and with loving intentions.

1. Introduce yourself and get to know them.  Invest in them.
2. Make sure they understand you truly care about them (and be sure that is true).  Serve them and love them.
3. Share what you know and how you know it.  Not just "sound bites", but facts and history to back it up.  No need to "convince", just get them thinking - God will do the rest.
4. Invite them to learn more of what you know is reasonable objective truth.

This is not a 1, 2 or 3 conversation endeavor, but a long-term thing.  Can you handle one step in this process while others handle the other steps?  Yep.  But be patient, be kind and be loving.

Avoidance of Church Lady talk early on might be good, too ;)

Much love and - despite how much I dislike those bumper stickers for what they really mean - let's coexist.  God calls us to love Him with all our heart, all our soul and all our mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.  Put more simply:  Love God, Love People.  No caveats.

Can I get an Amen?  

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