Saturday, January 11, 2014


Brendan Fraser in the movie "Bedazzled"
I've heard more and more statements in the recent past about the importance of Dad in the lives and rearing of their kids.  This may not be news to you, but the impression I've got in my lifespan (since 1971) was that "manliness" and the Biblical view of the Husband/Father role was primitive thinking - passé.  So, why would you want that around impressionable children?  Shouldn't we all become more feminine?  Nurturing?  

Thanks National Organization for Women.  You've done more to hurt society in the past 30 years than you have helped women.  Not saying NOW didn't affect some positive change, but the feminist regime swung the pendulum WAY too far the other way.  By forcing some subjective truisms that they wanted to be true for some odd reason - namely, that men and women were exactly the same - you made a bunch of men feel ashamed to be men.  It got to a point where - like with the gay agenda - it became a crime to even think of questioning this new age and ridiculous thinking.  Terms like "bigot" and "hate" and "chauvinist" came at anyone who tried to bring up any valid and reasonable arguments that contradicted this new viewpoint.  Quite impressive to see a group gain and wield that much power, however quite destructive to society and - ironically - to women.

Oy - don't be that guy.  Suck it up.
Here's the deal - God created men to be men and women to be women.  Because one does not understand the other, does not mean the other is doing it wrong or is flawed.  We are both needed, and are meant to be the way we are ... as designed.  They were created to be equal but different, with different roles.  

  • Women:  You are like aliens to us.  Frequently, you come across as crazy, overly-sensitive, naggy, and disrespectful to us, even though that is not your intent.
  • Men:  Keep in mind that we seem alien to them.  Frequently, we come across as insensitive, overly aggressive jerks to women, even though that is not our intent. 

I wanted to bring this to the surface to set the stage for my next blog about "The Importance of Dad".  To be the best Dad and the best Husband possible, we must first be men ... Godly men, as defined by the Bible (the one and only book of truly objective Truth).   

A few book recommendations to wrap this up:

Check them out and let's regroup in a bit to discuss just how important you are, Dad.

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