For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
Romans 1:20
Q: How do we know wind exists?
A: We see its effects, however we can reasonably conclude that it is not intelligent. There is a what but not really a why.
Q: However, if we came upon an intricate and complex invention made up of circuitry and gears and electrodes and sensors laying on a rock near the beach, would we even speculate that it came about by chance? Would that even be an option?
A: Not to a reasonable person, I don't expect.
Q: And if we happened upon a wrist watch in the middle of the forest, would we assume that it just came about by natural causes?
A: Of course we wouldn't. That would be silly. We know without a shadow of a doubt that someone left it there. Further we know that the watch was made by someone intelligent, with skilled craftsmanship.
However, many have and continue to question God, the Intelligent Creator of this universe, of life on this planet, of us.
We are far far more complex and intricate than any invention man has ever made. We are anatomically elaborate with pieces and parts that work together synergistically, so beautifully and effortlessly, with the appropriate chemical reactions occurring, with circulatory and nervous systems. And that isn't even the real us. The real us is made up of a conscience, a mind, a soul. We really are quite miraculous. By chance you say?
We hear about evolution which - don't get me wrong - is a fine theory (albeit nowhere near proven). But even if it were 100% true, it only addresses part of the how, not the why and certainly not the from who.
We can approach science from two different directions. I believe only one is valid:
1. We can start with a premise that there is absolutely no reason for any of this. Then we can start figuring out how it all happened and how it all works. This is secular naturalist based science. Not real science, which absorbs all data and evidence and comes to best conclusions without biases.
2. We can start with a premise that there is an intelligent Creator who cares and created this all for a reason. Then we can start figuring out how it all happened and how it all works. Add to that, we can determine our individual purpose in this creation. This is real science, leaving out nothing ... ALL data, from natural to supernatural is considered. This is both physics and metaphysics combined.
If you really think deeply about it, the first doesn't hold water. Only the second is reasonable and logical.
God has made His existence quite clear. Why haven't we seen Him? Because He's outside of space and time. Actually He's the creator of space and time. He did drop in to space and time for a 33 year visit, but outside of that He is eternal - without time. Think about that: do you find the creator of the iPhone in the iPhone itself? Or is he or she outside of it, out of sight of all the components that make up that device?
And because this is true, we must do something with this Truth. Shrugging our shoulders and continuing on with the life we want is not an option. We must make a decision. Do we acknowledge and enter into a relationship with our Creator? Or do we reject him? Free Will is part of His design. There can be no true love or true relationship without each deciding to love and commit. So we get to - and must - choose.
What will you do with all of this?
Keep in mind, a non-decision IS a decision.
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