The faith that the Bible requires is intelligent faith. It is neither blind nor irrational. No one is asked to sacrifice his intellect when he puts his faith in the God of the Bible.
Don Stewart
There is a distinct difference between intelligence and awareness. One is based upon an "ability to comprehend". The other is based on "a lack of ignorance to complete information pertaining to a given topic".
I believe most so-called "intellects" believe they know everything already, so they see believers as dumb or blindly believing in something that is mythical. What's actually true is, most of these intellects are UNAWARE - I daresay ignorant in the true sense of the word - of the data that actually exists. Unfortunately, though that data/information is no longer taught in public schools. And to even bring it up in the scientific community comes with a real risk of being blackballed. This is fact.
So, the scientific community, from whom we get all of our information, who change their stance on what is correct decade by decade, and who all begin with a purely naturalistic and secular starting point, are believed BLINDLY by most. Icons of evolution and our origins are used in textbooks, while it is well known that they are highly flawed, if not complete guesses or even outright false.
The faith of the Bible is intelligent - aware of all data, not just one side of an argument, but both sides. In fact, when all the data is in, it is wonder that anyone has enough faith to be an Atheist.
I know I don't.
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