Read the letters from Paul to the Corinthians, the Thessalonians, the Philippians ... and you'll hear him constantly correcting the church, bringing them back in line with what Christ intended - with what God wants.
We go astray, meandering off the path. It's what we do. We are truly like dumb sheep.
This has happened throughout church history. People with modern sensibilities, whatever modern meant at the time, would try to inject their extra or slightly altered ideas into the pure and perfect truth that God has laid out for us in His Word. The same thing is happening today. It's a constant struggle to hit the reset button and bring us back to the heart of our faith.
And today the struggle is no different, except that - at least in America - most aren't even starting with a basic understanding of what God said in the first place, let alone how a given Church may have started to bastardize what God said based on their own sensibilities. In fact, they believe it's irrelevant, maybe even made up like a common fairy tale. This is because it is no longer set as a core of our education. Out of sight out of mind. And ignorance is anything but bliss.
In the meantime, we wonder how we're going to fix the increasingly secular, relativistic, immoral society we find ourselves living in. We put politicians in place who we think will save the day. We vote this way or that way. We march. We speak out. And all of that is good and well. Valiant really.
But before any change can happen in our society, people have to accept Christ. Nothing we do in our human efforts will fix the mess we're in. We can struggle, and argue, and vote (and we should continue to do so), but even if we make strides, inevitably it's going to slip right back into the mess that it currently is.
It's a heart thing primarily. But secondarily it's an ignorance thing. Not stupidity, but ignorance. Most people have absolutely no idea that Christianity ... God's way ... is what will give everyone what they need. Maybe not what they want (because most times what we want isn't what's good for us at all - we all know this at a gut level), but absolutely what they need.
If we want change in our society we must do three things:
1. Know and embrace the Gospel.
2. Actually follow what the Gospel teaches. Yes, actually obey.
2. Share the Gospel with EVERYONE.
No one can save us but Him.
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