Saturday, June 4, 2016

Their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened ...

For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for [other gods].
Romans 1:24-25

So easily we look to man-made things, or our own abilities, or the creation itself instead of the Creator.

I have heard and seen (and personally been guilty of) thousands of examples of this.

We can see clearly in the world today that thinking has become futile, and foolish hearts have become darkened.
Tolerance has trumped telling the truth as a virtue. So we never talk about things out of fear of being seen as a "bigot".
We hold up what is wrong as right, and what is right as wrong.
Narcissism is applauded, while humility and kindness and forgiveness are seen as weak. We make up or own subjective definitions of "good" and "bad", not acknowledging for even a second that an objective Creator of the concepts of good and evil even exists.

What seems to be the popular opinion on any given topic seems to be what most go with. This is a "lambs to the slaughter" or a "lemmings over a cliff" approach.

We were were created for one purpose: to give glory to Him in everything we do and to acknowledge Him in thanks. Everything we do that does not give Him glory or acknowledge Him is a rejection of Him.

It is sin.

We are smart, but let's be humble enough to acknowledge that we're not that smart.

We are strong, but let's be humble enough to acknowledge that we're not that strong.

We gain and have wisdom, but let's be humble enough to acknowledge where wisdom comes from and that our wisdom is extremely limited.

Lean not on your own understanding. God and God Alone is infinitely strong, infinitely intelligent, and infinitely wise. It is not evil unless God says it's evil. And it is not good unless God says it is good.

Choose to take your lead from the Creator of this universe, and fear Him, not man.


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