There is evil in the world. Without a doubt. What could possibly motivate someone to kill another human being, let alone 50? It saddens me, confuses me, and makes me angry. I want to talk to the guy and ask him what ideology could possibly lead him to do something like this. But that's not possible. He's gone too. Regardless of his answer, any ideology that leads someone to murder is wrong. God would never want this.
I know quite well that homosexuality is displeasing to God. But so is gossip, thinking lustfully, and believing in your heart that you are better than someone else. All things that I have struggled with and with which I continued to stumble. All of these are displeasing to God, but it's no one's place accept God's to deal with this. To make yourself judge and executioner is to make yourself God. And you are NOT God. As Christians, we are called to love the person regardless of their actions, and whether we agree with them or not. We are not meant to be judges. Only He is the judge. Remember, Judge not lest ye be judged.
The man who did this is squarely in hell now. That is for certain. He is no hero of some faith. He is no man of God. What He did was atrocious, despicable ... pure evil.
With all that said, I'd like to comment on our use of this situation to forward agendas. In my mind, I start to take exception to all the rainbow flags. But then I pause and realize that this was done against these people because they were living a gay lifestyle. I'm not a big fan of the term "hate crime". I believe that all crime is centered on hate, regardless of the specific reason. But this was done based on a certain type of hate, for sure. More so, though, these were humans, Americans, someone's brother, sister, cousin, best friend ... The part I take exception to, I suppose, is the hyper-focus on one aspect of them ... their lifestyle choice. Focus is done because this was done because they were in a gay bar, but it seems many are HYPER focusing on this to further a cause. To "use" this horrible event for this purpose is the issue I have. Lighting up government buildings with rainbow colors? Not okay, just like it wasn't okay to light up the White House the same way when the Supreme Court made its ruling recently. Not okay.
I mourn for those souls lost in the shooting in Orlando. I hope and pray they had accepted Christ into their hearts. Because that's what matters. What sin they struggled with does not matter. Whether they accepted Jesus into their heart, making Him Lord of their life, that's all that leads someone to reconciliation worth our Creator and gives them the right to be called Children of God.
I pray for their souls, and I pray for the fabulous and friends if these lost souls.
Pray with me:
Father, I feel discouraged and confused when something like this senseless killing happens. Why? How could you let this happen? I know you are sovereign and this is not what you desire. I know this is the work is the Enemy, but why would you allow it? I want to know, but I don't need to know.ultimately I trust in you and your plan. Come soon. This place had so much beauty and goodness, but so much pain and suffering. Come take us, if that is Your will. THY WILL BE DONE. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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