Christianity is entirely unique as a religion. First, because it's true, and it's the only way to God. Second, because it's not works-based like every other major religion.
Regarding my first point, don't get me wrong, I still love everyone regardless of what they think or believe. I just know that they're wrong. That's why I tell them about Jesus, so I can lovingly correct them. This is not arrogant or condescending, it is just love and concern for their eternal destination. And it's true faith, based on evidence, fact, and history. Most importantly, it's based on personal experience.
But this post is for the purposes of addressing the second point: It does not depend on man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy. Romans 9:16
Jews and Muslims believe that it is all (and only) based on laws that must be followed or you will not go to heaven. They believe that somehow OUR efforts matter. Now, don't get me wrong, it definitely matters what we do. But it matters far more why we do it.
Muslims, for example, believe there is a set of laws that must be followed perfectly otherwise you will spend at least a bit of time in hell. And when I say a bit, I don't mean a small period of time, I mean in comparison to Eternity. If they truly think about it, this leaves an overwhelming weight over your head. "Am I doing enough? And how do I make up for all those things that I've done that are displeasing to God?" In short, it's hopeless. Without salvation, pardon my French, but we're all screwed.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son...
And therein lies the difference ... and it's a dramatic difference. In fact, it makes ALL the difference. Jews and Muslims will agree that someone must pay the debt owed to God for our sins. When Jesus came, He made us painfully aware that the sins we thought were bad weren't really the depth of sin. We thought murder was bad. But Jesus said if you hold anger in your heart for your brother, you have already murdered him. We thought adultery was bad. But Jesus said that even looking at a woman lustfully, you have already committed adultery.
We cannot make up for our erase our sins. There is not some magic equation that says X good acts makes up for a sin. And if we aren't perfect (a.k.a. without sin) we cannot be near God. And being near God is the Heaven we all talk about.
On our own, or based on any other chosen belief structure, we are doomed. Bluntly, we are destined for hell because we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and then we rejected His free gift of Grace ... salvation from those sins.
But the hardened among us... those with so much pride that they can't not find it in their hearts to humble themselves and admit that they need to be saved, will go down with their pride.
God does not want this. But He will allow it. That is free will.
Call to action:
This matters. In fact, nothing matters more.
Eternity is a very very long time to be wrong on this. That fact is not a reason to believe, but it is a reason to humble yourself, open your mind, and seek Him.
So seek Him. I'm pleading with you.
And when you do, I promise you will find Him. I know this, because He promised it to me. And He kept that promise.
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