Tuesday, May 26, 2015

End of End Times

[From two consecutive Facebook posts - May 25/26, 2015]
We are not just living in the end times. We are living in the END of the end times. We are past the tipping point ... there is no stopping it. Ignore if you must, but this is real. Here's how I know:
  1. The Bible says so. And the Bible is the only book ever proven to accurately foretell the future. When the Bible discusses the final end days, it describes where we are today and what we are seeing. For those that know the Bible, it's clear. To those who don't, it's not.
  2. Israel is a nation. The END of the end times started in 1948 with the formation of Israel as a nation again. They weren't for 2,000 years but they are now. This, in itself, is a miracle. And they are at more risk today than ever in history, as prophesy describes. 
  3. The UN labels Israel as a racist state and America (its leadership) seems to be following suit, taking the side of those continually attacking Israel from all angles. To Israel, God says, "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you." Gen 12:3 When the "nations" march on Israel (this is happening now through politics), watch what happens. This is not my prediction, but prophesy, and it's coming true before our eyes. 
  4. The UN and the US have forced Israel into a two-state "solution". Israel continues to be forced to give up land for "peace". They give up land, but no peace because the other side has no intentions of recognizing Israel - in fact, they hope to wipe them out of existence. As predicted thousands of years ago.
  5. "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord." Joel 2:31 Check the blood moons (eclipses) on record following 1948 and wait and see what else happens VERY soon. Again, not my prediction, but prophecy.

I used to think guys like this were just whack-jobs.
There is so much more, but this post is already too long. I'll follow with more. If you've read this far, bless you. Stay tuned. This is important. It is information on the end of our age and when it does end, there will be no more "choosing" to accept or reject God. The choice - if you've not made it - will be made for you.
This is not a kooky message of doom, it's a pleading for urgency to quickly look deeply into this.

Further signs of End Times, plus what's still to come:
  1. Before 1949, the "blood moons" (eclipses) did not happen in this frequency for 500 years. In the two years following the formation of the State of Israel (1948), there were 4 blood moons specifically on Jewish holidays. In 1967, there was a 6-day war where Israel regained their home of Jerusalem. In 1967 and 1968, guess what? 4 blood moons on Jewish holidays. Since 2014, there have been 3 blood moons on Jewish holidays, and the last will be this year during the Jewish Feast of Trumpets where it will be a super-moon (where the moon is the closest it can get). This was prophesied. After this year, it will not happen again for another 500 years.
  2. Once again, there is a rise in worldwide anti-semitism. Who does the United Nations continually blame? The terrorists leaders of Palestine and other terrorist aggressors in the region? No. They blame the Jews who have tried again and again for peace, and only fight to defend themselves. This same anti-semitism is happening in Europe and it's happening here in America. This was prophesied to happen shortly before Jesus returns.
  3. Ezekiel 38 and 39 describes a great war to come. Iran (also areas of Iraq and Afghanistan), the Sudan, Russia, Turkey and others will be involved. At the time this prophesy was written, the religion of Islam didn't exist, so Ezekiel didn't realize he was describing the current Muslim world. The Islamic State believes that they are called by Allah to destroy Israel and usher in the end times. Because this is true, they should never be allowed nuclear weapons. This is not like Norway or some other western country. Norway has not stated intentions to decimate all Swedes, for example. But there may be no stopping it, since it is prophesied. America has changed its policy lately ... Israel was planning to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities (since they said they plan to destroy Israel and all), but our leadership said that if they tried, we would shoot their planes from the sky. We - as a country - no longer truly stand with Israel. Ezekiel was written 2500 years ago and described the exact geo-political situation that exists in the region today.
  4. How will this war start? Watch for these things: Israel will likely bomb Iran. They may be forced to do so as a preemptive strike. Russia has said to Israel, "If you bomb Iran, we will come after you." (paraphrasing, of course). But when the "nations" attack in response, Israel will not fire a shot. God will step in and destroy the aggressors. It will take 7 months to bury the dead and 7 years to clean up all the debris ... that's how enormous this war will be. 
  5. There will be a 7-year covenant between Israel and the individual known as the "Anti-Christ". This covenant (agreement) will likely be in response to the great war I just described in (3) and (4) above. He is called "the abomination of desolation" first by Daniel, then again by Jesus. Paul calls him a "Son of Perdition".
  6. Before these 7 years start, it's probable that we (true Christian believers) will be raptured, so we won't experience all that follows. So if you can't get a hold of me all of a sudden, you may want to try calling your other Christian friends to see if they're gone, too. Then you may want to start seeking God.
  7. Sometime soon, Israel will rebuild the Temple on the Temple Mount where it was originally built (but destroyed and replaced with a Muslim Mosque - the Dome on the Rock). 
  8. Halfway through the 7-year covenant, The "Anti-Christ" will go into that temple and proclaim Himself God. Right then, the greatest tribulation will begin and continue for the remaining 3.5 years.
  9. In 1949/50, the blood moons were about the reestablishment of the NATION of Israel. In 1967/68, they were about the reestablishment of the HOLY CITY (Jerusalem). Last year and this year, the blood moons are about the reestablishment of the HOLY TEMPLE.
  10. At the end of the 7 years, Jesus will return to establish His kingdom here on earth. Those left, if not already killed by the tribulation, will be cast into the fire. They will mock and scoff until the very end, enslaved by their pride.

Woof, right? Our God is in control - no denying that. And our Bible is true. Jesus is returning ... and soon.
Non-believers are likely thinking, "Greg is off his rocker" or they are saying (I hope), "I really need to look into this." Either way, this is the prophecy that has come to pass and will come to pass. If you start seeing these things, stop thinking, "Aww, that's just a coincidence", and start seeking God. In fact, cut to the chase and do that now. I am not looking to say, "I told you so". I don't want to. I want you to be saved. PLEASE make this a priority to look into for yourself. I know that it is true, but I can't convince you unless you're willing to open up and consider. God is waiting and wants you.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Speaking Out of Turn

Many non-believers speak as though they understand Christianity, but as they speak it is obvious they do not.  It is difficult to discuss spiritual topics with someone who has made up their own set of rules, and believes that they know better with no basis for their stance.  I'll explain ...

My friend and former colleague from Austria, Detlev Riecke, is a huge man.  He stands 6'9" or so and has a good 100 pounds on my measly 245 pounds (working to lower that number).  During University and later, he played professionally a game that few Americans have even heard of.  It's called "handball".  But it is not the handball you're picturing, which is pretty much racquetball but without the racquet.  It's closer to lacrosse or hockey, I suppose, but with many other rules and fundamentals that are different.  I won't even try to explain because - hear this - I don't really know.  I think I get it, but I'm likely way off.  In fact, if Detlev reads this, he'll likely say I didn't really explain it well above.  Oh well.  But this is the point of this post.  If I were to speak of this sport as though I know it or - worse - if I were to step onto a professional handball field (court?) and make up my own rules as I think I believe they exist or think they should exist, it would be an insult to professional handball players.

This, reader, is what non-believers do when they speak out of turn as though they know what Christianity is.  

The likes of my current pastor - Matt Chandler, my former pastor - Dan Wooldridge, Dietrich Bonnhoeffer, C.S. Lewis, David Platt, Francis Chan, Ravi Zacharrias, Billy Graham, Tim Keller, et al, have studied the "sport" and truth and complexity that is Christianity for decades, and still have much to learn.  In fact, they will never know it all, as God's ways are - and God's mind is - so much higher than ours that we aren't capable.  You can liken these Christian scholars to someone with a Doctorate and 25+ years experience in the neurosciences.  A seasoned Neuroscientist or Neurosugeon knows more in the cuticle of her right pinky finger than I will likely ever know about the anatomy, chemistry, and functioning of the human brain, let alone the mind.  It would be akin to questioning the authenticity, the details, the "truths" uncovered by these neuroscientists with my "alternative" way of thinking, as though my uneducated opinion mattered more.  Pure arrogant pride.

Back to handball.  The world we live in was created by Him.  He made the field, the ball, the players and, yes, the rules of the game.  Some acknowledge the Rule-maker and are trying their best to follow the rules.  This starts with studying the rulebook extensively, going back to it regularly ... even daily ... then acting on what's been learned because we have faith that the Rule-maker knows better than we do what's best for us.  To be clear, while these players are doing their best, they still mess up periodically.

Then there are others who just stepped on the field without even peering into the rulebook.  In fact, they may even deny the rulebook.  They run around tripping people, laying down on the field, staring straight up and otherwise neglecting the actual documented rules of the game.  This is because they don't know the actual rules, nor do they care to.  In their minds, THEY are the "rule-maker".  Driven by ego and pride, they believe they know better.  And they are outraged when someone tells them - even if softly and in loving terms - that they've committed a foul.  "How dare you tell me what I want to do is wrong!   How hateful!  How judgmental!  What right do you have?"

They question those following the rulebook for handball.  They lash out.  They say they know better and/or mock those who follow the rules of the game.  They do not want to believe in a rule maker, so they come up with alternative theories and will stand by them, no matter how illogical, irrational and far fetched ... all to avoid what occam's razor says is the most obvious answer:

An ultimate Rule-maker created the structured game we are playing, along with the rules that make the game safe, fair, and fun ... all toward a perfect end goal.  

And at the end of the game, when unbelievers have denied the Rule-maker and ignored His rules, it will be too late.  They have no idea that those who have acknowledged and believed in the Rule-maker, and tried to follow His rules (without injecting their flawed worldly perspectives) will go to a perfect place with no more tears, no more pain, no more fear ... eternal and unimaginable joy.  And those who have chosen to reject Him and follow their own rules (rules based on nothing more than opinion and feelings and whatever everyone else says), will NOT go there.  They will joke in the mean time about "going where all their friends are".  Hilarious ... until they get there.

God is asking something quite simple, but admittedly difficult of us:  Acknowledge Him ... Turn away from sin (as God defines sin), swallow our pride, humble ourselves, and believe in Christ Jesus, taking Him in as our Lord and Savior.  That simple and that difficult.  The playing field has been set.  The rules have been established and well documented.  He allows us to choose for ourselves whether to follow the rules or not.  He will not force us ... the result of that would not be a loving relationship.

But understand that those who have actually studied these things to a level of depth far exceeding that of yours or mine may know something we don't yet know.  In fact, they do.

God bless.