Sunday, January 22, 2017

What is human life? There are many thoughts on this...

Life. What is human life? There are many thoughts on this, from philosophical to biological to theological. Hitler thought biologically and philosophical. As did Stalin, Pol Pot, and other infamous characters in history. Slave owners thought in this way, too ... as do child and woman sex traffickers and organ harvesters.

As a Christian, all the above is pure evil. But here's the thing: What should we expect when God's view is removed from, or ridiculed in, a society? What is the eventual, natural byproduct?

It doesn't happen fast. It's oh-so-gradual. And that is how scripture describes the enemy - as a predatory cat, not pouncing fast and immediately, but slowly and methodically.

Calculating, cunning, devious.

How did we get to "My body, my choice"? Not immediately. If someone said this in the twenties, thirties, forties, fifties... people would have looked at them as though they'd lost their mind. "My body? Your husband owns your body and you own his!", would be the common response. Can a woman prostitute herself? No, that's illegal. Immoral. Can she commit suicide? Again no. Illegal and immoral.

Let's think about the statement. "My" is the dominant, forceful word in the statement. It's egocentric, selfish, partially if not completely blind to others. Little consideration for the non-self.

And let's further analyze "My body my choice!" Who's body? Your body is not the one who will be killed if you choose the wrong way. Your body is involved, oh yes, but it's not going to be mortally impacted. Science shows clearly that at conception there is a net new human being, living. And that human, like all humans, is made in God's image. Bearing His likeness.

Finally, where 'my body, my choice' really applies is before sexual intercourse. At that point, I can completely agree. But all choices have consequences... always. You cannot then choose to eliminate the consequence. You cannot kill another human being (your own child for God sake!) to cover up the choice that's been made.

And, by the way, it's never a mistake, not to God. Even in the event of rape or incest. While those acts are horribly wrong, the life that has subsequently been created is never ever wrong.

So, how will we be remembered as a society? An "enlightened and Progressive society dedicated to women's rights"? Or a "selfish, evil society of killers of the most vulnerable and innocent of us all"?

God help us.

Lord, wake this country up. I know you will. In Jesus name, Amen.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

My take on the incoming President (for what it's worth)

The Donald. Yes, he is your President, too.
The Donald. Is our President. The Donald. If you'd told me this was to be the case 10 years ago, I would have chuckled a little, then said, "Okay ... anyway ...". The Donald. Hmm.

So, what are my thoughts? First, I don't know that it matters what my (our your) thoughts are at this point. He's our President. Period. Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and render unto God that which is God's (sorry to get all King James on you). He is our nation's leader now and, like every President in our history, there is a large swath of the populace that did not vote for him or want him. But we must acknowledge that he IS our President, and give him some respect and our support: encouraging him, praying for him, and sending letters to him and other leaders and/or speaking up when appropriate and necessary. But we must support all of our leaders - nothing good comes from working against them, and even less comes from sophomoric endless complaining.

So, what do I think?

  • He was far from my first choice. I liked Ben Carson. Still do. If he runs in the future, he has my vote.
  • He is narcissistic. He thinks he's a pretty big deal, in a bigly way. This is not unlike the President who just vacated by the way, if we're honest, although he was a master at feigning humility. Trump wears it, front and center.
  • He is a horrible public speaker with what seems like a limited and not incredibly creative vocabulary. His use of hand gestures during speeches is distracting at best.
  • His hair. Oh my.
  • He's pretty darn clueless regarding race. Yet, so am I (but I'm learning). Note, I said "clueless", not "intentionally hateful". Ignorance is not good, but it's not evil either.
But I don't think that's all there is to him. Here are some more of my thoughts:
  • Most importantly, I am hopeful that he really is a "baby Christian" as the likes of ben Carson, Franklin Graham, and others I truly admire seem to believe. I've not met President Trump, but they have ... so I can only go off of what he's said in speeches and what the talking heads have to say. His past is riddled with ridiculous statements, comments that sound pretty racist and sexist, and so on. There's no defending him there. But becoming a Christian (if in fact He did sincerely become one) means two things: (a) He's a new creation spiritually, and will change given time, and (b) he still has the rough edges that will be chipped off and smoothed down over time. Again, it is my hope that he really is a baby Christian.
  • He has a bit of the Ross Perot effect, in that I think he has the potential to cut out the fat and make the US run more efficiently, especially in the business sector. So much waste and so many opportunities to improve. Despite his bankruptcy, etc., he DOES know business and he is a shrewd negotiator.
  • He has a wonderful community of advisors surrounding him, in general. Some are questionable, granted, but just the spiritual advisors that he's chosen? If he leverages them often and truly listens and grows through those interactions ... he will be a different, more compassionate and loving man. No doubt.
  • Half of America wanted him. They can't all be racists. In fact, I'm betting there's only a small whack-job percentage that really is truly racist and see him as their White Power President. Looking down upon people is a sin, in and of itself. And assuming they are stupid, or hateful, or whatever, is condescending and arrogant. They are American, too, whether you agree with them or not. And they've spoken. The election is over.

My greatest hope is that he is now a Christian. Eventually, that will mean he loves and cares for everyone: Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Atheists, etc. Blacks, whites, latinos and asians, etc. Conservatives, liberals, right-wingers and left-wingers. For the short term, I expect more stumbles - no doubt. Count on it. But medium term, I have HOPE. Because God makes all things good. Do you hear that? All things.

Have hope with me.

Much love,
Greg (just one American)

God, make me more like my dog

Before sharing my thoughts, I'd like to acknowledge that you are good God. And I don't mean like "this soup is good" kind of good. I mean it like, you are love. You are good. The very essence of goodness. I want to be a part of that - near that - forever. No struggle, no pain, no ridicule or any other difficulty can stand up to that. And I will spend eternity in close proximity to the goodness. To love himself. That gives me inexplicable joy down to my bones, deep in my soul.

On to my thoughts...

I'm looking at my dogs right now. It's 7am, and they are laying on the couch, vacillating between dozing off and staring at me. They are oblivious to the world I find myself too often worried about. All they care about is being near me ... feeling my love and warmth. When I leave, they are distraught. When I return, they are beside themselves, unabashedly wiggling and making the strangest joyful noises. They feel "complete" somehow when I'm near. I can see it from their bright eyes and perked ears, all the way back to their violently wagging tails. No real pride or boastfulness exists in them. Some innocent selfishness, sure, but I overlook that because I adore them. I even use a voice no man should use when I talk to them. Why? Because I love them and think they are adorable. They are good booooooys! ... despite their many flaws.

I imagine God looks at us in a similar way. He is a loving, caring, affectionate master. And all he wants is our full devotion; to wiggle out of control and make uncontrollable noises of joy when we're near him; to fully appreciate his love and to love him back fully. To want to be near him, and to be distraught - lost - when we're not.

Why can't I be like my dogs in that way? 45 years of this world and its thoughts and influences have spoiled the stew that is me. Why can't I just block out what this world says and focus fully on my Master? Why can't I just focus on trying to love him with all my might?

Lord, I ask for a dog-like innocence to overtake me. Transform me into the meek, careless, lovable mutt you and I both hope for me to be. I love you. I want to be perpetually near you, and I want to please you. I humbly and sincerely ask for this in the name of Jesus Christ my King. 

Amen and Amen.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Farewell Mr. Obama

To begin, I won't mince words: I did not ultimately support you, Barack. I thought it was absolutely wonderful that our country had progressed and matured enough as a culture to finally elect an African American president. For that I am thankful. You were an unknown quantity. A shiny, well spoken, unknown quantity. Very little information existed about you, so no one could really throw dirt at you (as politicians are apt to do to their competitors in every election) for what you did 10, 20, 30 years ago. No one really knew you. You were a symbol more than anything else. A cult of personality, so to speak. You spoke in generic but heart-warming enough terms that no one could really put their finger on or explain, but no one could refute either. Change we can believe in. What absolute jerk would be against that vanilla mantra? And not knowing really what to expect of you ... except for well-executed speeches, a winning smile, and a sharp suit ... I could do nothing more than wait and see. You were my president. I owed you the benefit of the doubt.

But as time passed, and I saw very little to nothing of your campaign promises actually coming to fruition, I started to do a little research. I studied the educated speculations of a man named Dinesh D'Souza. He pointed me toward figureheads and power-players like Jeremiah Wright and George Soros and Saul Alinsky.

And then the shiny, appealing veneer started to peel away. Unlike most, I read 2016: Obama's America. I read Stealing America. I watched the movie where 80% of the content was your voice ... YOU ... in your own unedited words, reading your own book, explaining your true nature ... your true intentions and motivations, which were vastly different than what you were consistently pitching to the American people.

And I realized that the news outlets weren't discussing this complete disparity. Why? The news was supposed to be our source of truth on current events. How could they not be at least bringing this up for discussion? In fact, they were doing the exact opposite ... only speaking in superlatives of you, as though you were somehow infallible. Some type of god-man. A long-awaited savior. They were like loyal, adorable little puppies, praising your name at every opportunity. VERY A unlike the media. It was really quite unsettling to see a populace be completely manipulated. But why was I so surprised? Not a one of them read the material I read ... that was clear ... so even though it completely contradicted what the main news outlet taking heads were saying and the narrative you and your entourage continued to convey, the truth seemed to just slip down the drain, never reaching said populace, even though it was in-your-face available. What was worse ... anyone that brought it up was labeled a racist. Because, of course, there is no other legitimate reason why someone would question THE Barack Obama. That can be the only credible reason why someone would say something bad about you or question your motives, right? Because of the color of your skin? It couldn't be because of your nature as an individual, regardless of your race, could it?

In fact, it became an unofficial truth that anyone who was against you was simply a right-wing racist bigot. And that truth stuck. It was really quite amazing to watch it all happen. Impressive in a very disturbing way. 

When the next election came along, I was hopeful that people would do their homework this time. At least match up what you promised with what was delivered. But they didn't. I suppose I overestimated the American people. They simply went along with what the popular voice was saying, what the news outlets were saying ... never questioning. I speculate that it's because, they didn't want it to be true. They wanted the image you'd created to be real. They wanted you to be the same here they were hoping for.

Flash forward to today. I read a post on Facebook this week quoting the magazine GQ, which said, "President Obama just might go down in US history as its best president." I cringed.
You win, Mr. Obama. You successfully and fully fooled the majority of a nation. Scratch that - a world. People from many many nations bought in to the information flow concerning your alleged "perfection".

A lie, repeated enough times for long enough will become truth in people's minds. It's the parable of the frog in the boiling water. Up the temperature one degree at a time over a long enough duration, and the frog will boil to death. He will never know that he is being cooked, and will do nothing to save himself.

As Saul Alinsky taught you ... dress sharply, speak smoothly and calmly, tell them what they want to hear, but do whatever is necessary behind the scenes to accomplish your true goals. And by all means, if someone starts to catch on, deny, deny, deny. NEVER admit the con. Because that's what this was: a long con.

Bravo, Mr. Obama. I have to give it to you. From a worldly perspective, you have succeeded wildly. 
But know this: from a Christian perspective, you will be judged. Just as we all will. You have not, in fact, escaped without detection. God knows the truth, and He will make all things right. He will judge all men for what they have done in the darkness. 

So, instead of wasting energy on being angry or bitter, I pray for you, Barack. There is still a chance for you. Jesus loves you. He wants you to repent from the sinful life you've lived. I remain hopeful that one day you will awaken, realize what you've done, repent, accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then spend eternity as my brother in heaven. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

If one were hoping to control a society, how would they do it?

If one were hoping to control a society, this is what one must do:
  • Well, first they would have to control how people thought. They would begin by feeding them news that they wanted them to hear in a way that was oh so slightly slanted more and more over time to their way of thinking.
  • They would need solicit the help of the "popular" (actors, et al) without them even knowing it.
  • They would also need to move to control everything people really need: healthcare, key industries, financial markets, agriculture, etc.
  • And they would summon a polished pitch man to tell people what they wanted to hear, but do whatever was necessary behind the scenes to accomplish the objectives, while denying this disparity without fail.
Problem is, this has already happened, and even the most intelligent are oblivious. In fact, they are in support of those at the controls, but think they are advocating for some "greater good" that has been advertised, but does not reflect what's really happening behind the curtain. They are pawns in the game.

With no objective basis for what's right and wrong - actual truth from some legitimate authority - people will believe anything if fed to them slowly enough. It must creep micron by micron, little by little ... with almost imperceptible shifts. The fact is, if there is no site of an unmoving, unchanging truth, no one will even detect even more noticeable changes. People believe they just know what's right and wrong, but they only know current cultures' idea of the two concepts ... not the actual "right" and "wrong" that has existed since the beginning of time.

As a Christian, I see it happening so clearly. More directly put, I see that it has already been happening for decades (or longer), and continues to progress. But to non-believers not aware of the unchanging truth, Christians just seem silly, stuck in the past, maybe even stupid, clueless. It's funny how that works ... the oblivious look at the grounded and think, "Wow, are they oblivious." It's a form of arrogant ignorance that pervades our society ... our world ... today. And no one but the awakened are aware of it.

We are in this world, but not of this world. I'm in this society, but not of this society. My true home is elsewhere, and I'm so thankful for that. Thank you Lord for waking me from my slumber.
