Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Don't Be a Martha ... Be a Mary

When Jesus came to visit, Martha was set on preparing a wonderful meal for their guest of honor.  As she scurried around, busy with what "must get done", she scowled at Mary who sat at Jesus' feet and listened to Him. 

"Just sitting there while I do all the work! Can't she see we have an important guest here?" 

Aren't we like Martha sometimes?  Worried about what we need to do to be a good Christian, what we need to do to grow in our Christlikeness, what we NEED TO DO ...

But it's Mary who had the right idea.  She wasn't worried about pleasing Jesus through actions.  She was just sopping up every moment she could with Him.  Getting to know Him more.  Getting to know how He sees things.

The more we are in Him and He in us, the more we begin to think like Him, see like Him, feel like Him.  And when that happens, we just naturally DO what He would do.  It's just a byproduct of a life in Christ.  It's a focus on Him, not on actions.

Be a Mary, not a Martha.  Amen?

"I am with you always, to the end of the age.” --Jesus

After all the knowledge I've gained over the past 5 years, even I forget sometimes that Jesus is alive and on His throne, and he is with us in every moment ... the good times and the tough times. 

So take heart and be confident in all you do. Because,  if he is for us, who can be against?

Monday, September 28, 2015

Why are we so stubbornly sure of what we "know"?

"I was very adamant about not becoming one of us the day before becoming one of us."
Matt Chandler (and me, too)

I knew.  Yeah, I knew for sure ... for 38 years I understood what I needed to and had a full understanding of reality.  In fact, I was so sure of what I knew that I didn't want to hear anything to the contrary.

Ideas like God were for people who couldn't handle the pressure.  Jesus maybe existed as a historical figure, like Abe Lincoln and Mahatma Ghandi, but He certainly wasn't deity.

I knew ... right up until the day I didn't.  And the lights came on.

Could it be that you, too, "know".  No time like the present to dig deeper and seek the Truth.


Saturday, September 26, 2015


Jesus of Nazereth, the Prophesied Messiah
Approximately 2015 years ago, there was a man named Jesus of Nazareth who died on a Roman cross after being beaten severely. He did great miracles, fulfilled all of the prophecies of the Old Testament (which, statistically, is approaching impossible), but then, to top it off, he rose from the dead and interacted with hundreds. He claimed to be the prophesied Messiah, the son of God, and God incarnate himself.  These events were all documented in greater fashion than any other series of events in ancient history.

Yet many today deny it.  Strange. 

So, in 2000 years from now, if we're still all here as a people, what will we deny that absolutely happened and was fully documented?

How about 9/11?  Or that a man could run a 4 minute mile?  Or that a man landed on the moon?

Every generation thinks they know better. There is this misconception that we are somehow smarter or less prone to believing silly things than people who lived 2000 years ago. But this is just not true.
I pray that the Jesus-deniers will suspend their denying long enough to actually look into it themselves. This is what I did after 38 years of being a Jesus-denier myself.  And the evidence stacks up and then some.

It all happened. Jesus is the Messiah and God himself. This is not a blind belief. You'll find out once you check it out for yourself.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Let us do good to everyone ...

Whatever we do, it will come back to us.  In Paul's words, "we will reap what we sow".  And that means the negative and the positive.  Make a concerted effort going forward to do good when you want to do the opposite, to show compassion when you feel like showing scorn and contempt, to love when you'd rather hate, to give when it's hard to give.  God will bless you for it.

Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.
Galatians 6:7-10

Monday, September 21, 2015

We're not as bad as the Nazis... Or are we?

I get into healthy and respectful back-and-forth discussion with unbelievers every once in awhile on the subject of objective morality versus subjective morality, and the need for an objective morality giver. The argument they use is, "you don't need God to be a moral person". And that's true, to an extent. Honestly, I see lots of people who don't believe in God who actually act better then some people I know who call themselves Christians.

But the important question is this:  If there is no objective measure for what is good and bad, who can reasonably say ANYTHING is right or wrong?  With nothing to latch on to, who's to say?  Seriously ... if everyone individually decides what is good and bad from their own perspective, we run the risk of ending up with the likes of Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, and so on.  History has shown this clearly.  My point here is, who's to say what the aforementioned leaders did was wrong? If there is no absolute definition of "wrong" coming from an objective source, what's the big deal?

"Oh, come on!" they say. "Every time time we have this debate, you bring up extremes like the Nazis. Unbelievers are certainly not Nazis!"

And that's true ... sort of.  Those who believe in a subjective measure for good and evil are not necessarily Nazis.  And I'm not judging here.  I am, however, discerning.  

Let's analyze this with a specific example ...

Those who work off the objective definition of good and bad, right and wrong ... stemming from an objective Lawgiver (God, in case you weren't following), know that all human life is precious, since human life is created by God at the point of conception.  By objective understanding of that truth, abortion is wrong - for any reasons.  For those who don't subscribe to an objective source of good and evil ... for those who have a more subjective view ... abortion may be just fine, or at least "it's between the mother and her doctor".  Yeah, that sounds right.  Can't really base that on anything, but that fits with my way of thinking, which is different from yours, which is different from the Nazi's perspective, which is different from ... oy.

So let's compare:
  • Removing military casualties created by the Nazi regime, the Nazis are responsible for the deaths of greater than 20 million innocents.  Even during the Nuremburg Trials, most Nazi's believed what they were doing was right and would benefit the greater good.
  • America is responsible for the death of almost 60 million innocents.  And that is just America. There are tens of millions more innocents who've been killed across the globe.  And many today still defend that using the narrative of "women's rights" ... as though those rights are more important that the LIFE of a female who is in the womb.

Are EITHER of these historical facts good or bad? Well, if you believe in subjective morality, no. Nothing is inherently wrong when morality is subjective, because who's to say what is wrong without an objective basis to which we can cement ourselves?

And killing of babies in the womb is just the beginning when you embrace a subjective world view on morality.  Overreacting you say?  Well, consider what's next as we wander down this subjective path.

We don't call ourselves Nazis.  But let's be honest - aren't we just as bad?  Worse?

Fact: What you believe about God is THE most important thing about you ...

  • Some think of God as just another average person with super-powers of some kind.
  • Some think of God as some cruel, narcissistic overlord, just waiting for someone to screw up so he can strike them with lightning like Zeus.
  • Some think God created everything, but is otherwise not involved now.
  • Some think everything is God and God is everything.
  • Some think THEY are God.
  • Some think God simply does not exist.
  • And some think He is the Intelligent Designer, who is infinite in power, wisdom, love, etc., came to earth in human form (while still remaining God), paid for our sins, then made an incredible offer of forgiveness and grace.  That He wants a personal relationship with us. 

Where do you land on this topic?  More importantly, how did you come to that conclusion outside of, "It just sounds right"?  Whatever your conclusion, it matters more than you know.  It affects your worldview and your subsequent thoughts and actions, and (if the Jesus Freaks are right), it informs your decision on where you will spend eternity ... in eternal joy and peace, or eternal agony and regret.  

Who you are as a person starts with your thoughts on God.  Think on that.  Literally and urgently.

God bless.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Concealing God

I do not hide your righteousness in my heart;
I speak of your faithfulness and salvation.
I do not conceal your love and your truth
from the great assembly.
Psalm 40:10

Do these describe your testimony?
• I "do not hide" my faith.
• I "speak of" His faithfulness and salvation often.
• I "do not conceal" His love and truth.

This culture has taught us things like, "Your faith is personal, so keep it to yourself".  We've bought into the tolerance narrative ... that statements of truth are somehow intolerant. That all beliefs are equally valid, so best not to risk offending anyone.

But the Bible says otherwise.  So, whom do you fear?  Man or God?

Lord, give me an unabashedness about sharing my faith and about You.  Clear the cultural narrative from my psyche and free me to proclaim your goodness from the mountaintop.  I desire this and ask this sincerely in Jesus name.  Amen.

A Desire To Do God's Will

I desire to do your will, O my God;
your law is within my heart.
Psalm 40:8

Even Paul said that he struggled with doing God's will. He sincerely wanted to, and tried to, but continually failed. And that's coming from one of the Bible's greatest characters ... like David, a man after God's own heart.

What does it mean to have God's law written on your heart? It means more than just knowing God's law. It means that we understand that God is good, and that his laws are what is best. It means we trust God as the good and loving Father that He is. And as a loving child, we desire to please our Father and trust him that his instruction will keep us on path for the plan for which He's created us.

Notice that the Psalmist does not say that he does God's will, but that he desires to do it.  He acknowledges his inability. But God knows that we will fail. He's already there when we do. All He's worried about is that you have a true desire in your heart to follow and obey His law. This shows Him that you love Him back, and that you trust Him at His Word.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Wasted time or invested time?

How much time do you waste during a typical day? Staring at nothing on TV. Searching aimlessly on the Internet. Playing computer games. Some people might argue that "down time" is important for mental health reasons. But wasting time can have a serious effect on your spiritual health.

Lost money can always be earned back. Lost possessions can always be replaced. But lost time is gone forever.

Time is one of God's gift to you. And like all of his other gifts, it matters to him how you use it. With that in mind, do you think you're a responsible steward of your time? If not, what steps can you take to become one?

From the NIV Bible for Men

Delight Yourself in the Lord

What's your strategy for succeeding in life? If you are a fan of self-help or getting-ahead-in-business books, you may be able to answer that question with a detailed outline. And while there's certainly something to be said for visualization, networking, entrepreneurial confidence and the like, David offers a much simpler approach to finding fulfillment in life:

Delight yourself in the Lord.

Make him number one in your life. Focus on pleasing him, living your life according to his word and paying attention to his leading. If you'll do that, he'll give you the kind of success that doesn't come from self-improvement books.

From the NIV Bible for Men

Friday, September 18, 2015

Is Christianity Exclusive? Unequivocally Yes ... and Absolutely Not

Every belief system is exclusive, so let's just get that out on the table.  Even those who believe that all or certain "religions" are equally valid are being exclusive in that belief.  Agnostics and Atheists believe what they believe exclusively.  Same with Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc.

So yes, in that way, Christianity is exclusive because Jesus said quite clearly, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one goes to the Father except through me."

But absolutely not.  The free gift of salvation is offered to everyone.  Everyone - no matter what.  You simply have to accept the free gift.

I like this quote from Robert Taylor of Gateway Church:

"Stop getting upset that Christ says He is the only way, and start getting excited that there IS a way."  

He provided it.  The only other way is to live a perfect life from start to finish.  How are you tracking on that?  No one but Jesus has ever accomplished that.  But you don't need to worry about your sins if you have Christ.  He paid the bill for all your sins - past and future - making you clean as snow.

Yes, Christianity is the only way.  I don't say that to be hateful or intolerant.  I say it to be truthful.

Accept the gift today.  It's offered to you, too.  And the difference between now and eternity with or without God could be only a heartbeat away.  So please, please, please make it a priority.

Much love and God bless.

Fact: God Reveals Himself to ANYone Who Seeks Him

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. 
Jeremiah 29:13 

Waiting for God to show Himself to you personally?  Here's a tip:  Take a leap of faith and seek Him.  If you're sincere, He will reveal Himself.  So many run through life saying, "I don't believe because [fill in the blank] ...".   But these same individuals have never truly sought Him.  They've never asked Him to show Himself.  And they've never waited on His timing for the reveal.  

He's waiting so patiently.  He's waiting on you.  And He has all of eternity to wait.  But you don't.  

Seek Him.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 
Matthew 7:7

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Obnoxious Optimists | Philippians 1:6

Paul was an obnoxious optimist because he knew.  
"... he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."  Philippians 1:6
We should be filled with gratitude and gladness.  Not plastic cheerleaders who continue their superficial cheering as their team is destroyed by the opposition, but true optimists in a world that spends most of the time complaining.

We need to argue with our whiney selves better than we do.
"Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God."  Psalm 42:5
Win that argument.  Hope in God.  Trust Him that he will carry it to completion.

This does not mean always be cheery just to be cheery.  Council others.  Speak truth when appropriate, but mourn and weep with others as appropriate.

But KNOW, as Paul knew, that God's promises are true.  

Rest in that truth and be obnoxious about it. ;)

God is Compassionate AND True

Compassion without Truth is unloving.
Truth without Compassion is cruel.

As love and justice are equally infinite traits of God, so are compassion and truth equally infinite in God ... and should be equal in us. 

God's truth has felt hurtful to me at times because it was stopping me from, or condemning me for, doing something He commands us NOT to do.  But in retrospect, it was loving and compassionate of Him to tell me NO.  In other cases, it was not clear in retrospect.   But that's okay.  His ways are above mine. As it should be.  And I trust Him, as my perfect heavenly Father, to know better than me.

God is Loving AND Just

Some who say they believe in God tend to believe in a god they want rather than the actual God.  Many want a God who is LOVE,  which is true and is good. But they don't want a God who is JUST, as well. 

But God is equally infinite in all of His characteristics. He is not more loving than just. He is infinitely loving and he is equally just.

False narratives

I reject the false narratives spoken by today's culture.  A culture that won't even be remembered in 1,000 years.
My allegiance is to God.  Not to America.  Not to Texas.  Not to anything but God.

Jesus is Lord of my life ...
I say:  "I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word."

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Why is God invisible? The answer is simpler, more logical, and more reasonable than you might imagine.

While God did come in human, natural form (in the person of Jesus Christ), generally speaking God is invisible to us. His affects are quite obvious, not unlike the effects of wind or gravity ... or love.

But why is He invisible?  The answer is much more rational, simple and logical than you might imagine. You see, at the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  This was before any time or space existed. In fact using terms like was  or is or will be are inappropriate , because he is outside of past, present or future.  He is not affected by the ebb and flow of our culture or our opinions. This is the first thing we need to understand about our almighty, omnipotent, all knowing God:  that He is timeless, outside of the natural world that we live in ... that He created.

God is not visible to us because he is not of the natural world. He is the cause of the natural world. The uncaused cause that - if we think logically and rationally - must have started this universe that we live in ... must have started life ... must have given us the rational, thinking minds that we use to even ponder this topic.

God is infinite. And by definition His Holiness, his perfection, his wisdom, his power, and His grace are unlimited. But he himself is invisible to eyes that only see what is natural.

But our hearts detect and ultimately know that He is there.