Friday, January 22, 2016

Rewriting History

It seems to be happening more and more.  And with the advent of the Internet and the ease of quick "information" (whether accurate or not), it's hard to tell what REALLY happened on anything anymore.  People with motives, writing in an authoritative style, but having no real authority, per se, take ill-informed theories and present them as fact via some link to a page on the oh-so-dependable internet.

I was having a conversation just last night, in fact, where someone told me, "Well, a bunch of men came together in 325 AD for the Council of Nicea to rewrite the Bible, throw out the stuff they didn't like, and ultimately tell us what to believe." And some of the speculation put forth goes even further than that, saying this is where "Jesus was invented" and so on.

Q: What is a person who reads one of these
blogs or fake publications to believe?  
A: Whatever they are fed, I suppose,
just like the rest of the modern world
if they choose not to dig in further. 

We are called to seek Truth ... to seek Him.  We are called to have an answer to give for the hope we hold in the promises of that Truth.  If we, as Christians, don't know the real story, or seem to only have a blind faith, unbelievers will take that as fuel to the "it's all made up" storyline being told by the Prince of Lies told through - I believe - well meaning but ignorant (i.e. lacking data) people.

I know it's about the heart ultimately. And that is good and right. But we're called to love our God with all of our heart, our soul, our strength, and our MIND.

Call to Action: Study. Know. Your church will likely have a series or two on apologetics and historicity of the church and our faith, or they can point you to resources.  My church has theology classes that I take, and I read a lot of in-depth books on the subject.  There are endless resources out there written by the likes of Ravi Zacharias, Tim Keller, Matt Chandler, C.S. Lewis, C.K. Chesterton, Billy Graham, and so on and so on. But there is no replacement for the actual Word of God.  Read it - study it with those who know it well.  

"I don't have time" is not an excuse. That is a decision you are making based on priorities.

What is YOUR priority? Will you simply believe whatever you're told? In a modern world of lost souls mislead by lies and misinformation, I don't believe we have that liberty ... if we are to truly resemble Christ.

Friday, January 15, 2016

He Never, Never Quits ... How About You?

But you, oh God, are both tender and kind,
not easily angered, immense in love, 
and you never, never quit.
Psalm 86:15

The truth of God's unconditional love is amazing, isn't it?  Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more.  Can you imagine having that much patience?  Being so unbelievably slow to anger?  Forgiving to a fault (so to speak)?

Well keep imagining, because this is what God asks of us.  Unconditional love, forgiving others seven times seventy times.  Self-control over our otherwise self-centered, "How dare they do that to ME!" anger.

Whether it's your marriage, where you need to show unconditional love and respect for your spouse, serving him/her without expectation of reciprocity, forgiving the seemingly unforgivable ... or it's with your kids, your friends, your co-workers, your extended family, even your "enemies" ... we are called to reflect Christ in our patience, our tenderness and kindness.

This is the best way to draw people to Christ ... by showing what He's like.  And this is the only way to live.  Imagine the weight this will take off of your shoulders when you let go of your pride, your stress, your anger and bitterness.

God, give us your unconditional love and patience.  Help us to be slow to anger as you are.  Help us to never, ever give up on our loved ones, as well as our not-so-loved-ones.  Give us your tenderness and kindness when we'd rather lash out, hold grudges, let our pride control us.  We trust your ways ... they are simply better than ours.  Help us, Father, to SHOW that we trust you more and more.  In Jesus name.  Amen.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A Drooling, Lip Smacking Desire for God

God - you are my God! I can't get enough of you! I've worked up such hunger and thirst for God, traveling across dry and weary deserts
Psalm 63:1-8

38 years in the desert for me, so I can relate. Since then, I've been in catch up mode ... not because I feel I must as punishment for "not getting it" for so long, but because I'm famished. God is too good and I want more and more. And it kills me that I still have these layers of worldly gook all over me that I can't seem to shake.

But I'm work in process. Aren't we all?

So here I am in the place of worship, eyes open, drinking in your strength and glory. In your generous love I am really living at last! My lips brim praises like fountains. I bless you every time I take a breath; My arms wave like banners of praise to you.
I eat my fill of prime rib and gravy; I smack my lips. It's time to shout praises! If I'm sleepless at midnight, I spend the hours in grateful reflection. Because you've always stood up for me, I'm free to run and play. I hold on to you for dear life, and you hold me steady as a post.
Psalm 63:3-8

Monday, January 11, 2016

Warning: Very Blunt Blog Post - God's Economy & His Middlemen

"God, why don't you do something?", we say.
"I did", says God. "I created you."

And the Government shall be upon his shoulder. Isaiah 9:6
(... and if we are the body of Christ, then we are responsible actors in God's economy)

The truth of God's economy is pretty blunt. We sooooo want to twist what scripture says so that we get to keep that which God gave to us. But that's not God's economy.

Jesus says that it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven. We see this and we feel this everyday, don't we? I think we fundamentally know that something is wrong with how we handle God's blessings of treasure. Down deep we understand that we really had little to do with the wealth that we find ourselves enjoying ... that we find ourselves accumulating ... that we find ourselves spending on things other than fundamental needs.

What if God intentionally set it up this way to test us, to teach us the lesson we needed to learn? 
And what if - if we saw it from God's perspective - we found we were failing miserably?

I will posit that we are. I will posit that every nickel and dime that we receive is from God.  (I think I've got some pretty firm scriptural backing on that.)

Now, here's the tough part:  

What if every nickel and dime given to us wasn't meant for us at all. Rather, we are simply the "middle men" of God's economy?

What if, instead of God giving everyone an equal portion of treasure, he decided to give some a disproportionate amount of the treasure ... to see what we do with it? To see if we are paying attention? To see if we are actually absorbing His Word and trusting Him?

What if we are only supposed to use the amount that provides our daily bread and shift the remainder to all of those who don't have their daily bread? What if God has given us the task of providing that daily bread to all the nations?

What would our world look like it we did that?  

Take a minute to picture it.  
Literally, stop reading and take 60 full seconds to ponder that potential reality.  
Because it is possible.

We say we're stretched thin. We say we don't have enough to spare. Rubbish.  We live in a world of affluence... Even those considered poor in our country would be relatively affluent in third world countries.

If we give, we give from the fat. Let's just acknowledge that. And Jesus spoke of these people. He used the Pharisees as examples, who gave very large sums ... but from their surplus. The one he noted as exemplary was the widow who gave her last two shekels ...

God's economy is actually quite simple. But I think our worldly minds don't want to acknowledge what we're called to do. We like our comfort. We like our things, our nicer car, our safe neighborhood, our school district ...

What if God intentionally set it up this way to test us, to teach us the lesson we needed to learn? And what if - if we saw it from God's perspective - we found we were failing miserably?

Some ideas:
  • One level down.  Buying a car?  Find the one you want, then buy the model below it and give the balance to charity.  Buying a smart phone?  Find the one you want, then look for the previous version of that phone on eBay, then give the balance to charity.  And so on.
  • Charity instead of gifts.  Give to charity on someone's behalf instead of buying them a gift, card, flowers.  Even the $4 for a card means two days wages to someone in extreme poverty.
  • Make it automatic.  I am working on a simple app that allows you to give to charity on others' behalf more automatically and simply, still acknowledging their birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc., but giving meaningfully.  I'll let you know when the app is ready for use.  Exciting!  Learn more in the interim at ...
  • Create a budget.  Look for areas to cut out the fat, even the muscle.  Remember, this is about sacrificial giving, not comfortable giving.  Really think on this and remove items incrementally ... but incrementally give to charity of those same amounts when you do.  If you could afford premium cable, you can afford to help orphans in the Sudan get the inoculations they need to avoid getting sick from the germ-ridden water their forced to drink.

"It's not enough to do nothing.
Is time for us to do something." 
-- Matthew West

"All that it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing."

Enough with the minimum. Enough with the excuses. Time to sacrifice as Jesus did ... as were called to do.

Take up your cross daily, and follow me.
--Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Friday, January 8, 2016

Step out of the traffic and take a close look at your God

"Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything."
Psalm 46:10

We are distracted. We are overwhelmed by data and information. News channels offering their slant on current events, friends and coworkers around the water cooler spouting their opinions, TV shows, political figures, your own thoughts and perspectives... it's a veritable avalanche of information.

But does any of it have merit? Do our or anyone else's opinions really matter? 

When you're in the middle of a thick forest, it's hard to focus on anything but the trees, leaves, creatures and sounds around you. Very infrequently will we step outside of the forest or consider the perspective from above it. We will form our opinions by what is closest in proximity, matches most closely with what we want to believe is true. But our thoughts and opinions and perspectives, in essence, are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

Step out of the traffic. Step out of the flurry and downpour of other people's opinions... of your own opinions... and look to the Creator for His perspective.

Because His is the only perspective that matters.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

It's not about being GOOD. It' about being PERFECT.

  1. God will not be near imperfection.
  2. No matter how many good things we do, we can never be perfect on our own.
  3. Hence, even by being good - even really really good - we still cannot make it into heaven. Not on our own.

So, if it's not about being good, what is it about?

The Psalmist writes, Generous in love - God, give grace! Huge in mercy - wipe out my bad record! Scare away my guilt, soak up my sins in your laundry. I know how bad I've been; my sins are staring me down. (The Message)

If asked, secular people would likely say, "But I don't sin" or at least, "I don't sin that much, plus I do a lot of really good things."  But this sentiment comes from a simple lack of fundamental understanding of Scripture and what God considers sin. Forget our personal, softened definitions. Sin, as clarified by Jesus, is even the mere lingering lustful thought, or the "little white lie". These are filthy and unholy to God.

"Wow. Well that's just depressing," says the unbeliever. 

And it would be quite depressing, if there weren't another way. Because there are two ways to this life and to eternity:
  • Depending upon oneself. Being a self-made man. Going it alone.

  • Lifting it all up to Him. Trusting Him at His promise. Letting go and letting God.

The former - no matter how many wonderful acts of kindness, compassion, generosity you perform on your own power - leads to eternity based on that premise ... that you believe you simply don't need God.

The latter leads to eternal life with God, beginning the day you accept Christ into your heart and allow him to take your life over for you, and to save you from punishment for sin (a.k.a. death).

Every person who has ever lived, bar none, is a sinner.  All have sinned and fallen short, says Paul.  All but one. And that One, who lived a perfect sinless life, was Jesus Christ. Upon His sacrifice on the cross as atonement for all of our sins, we have a way to be perfect, without blemish, white as snow in God's eyes.

As the Psalmist said, only God's grace and mercy can save us. And that grace and mercy - that redemption - comes only ... ONLY ... through faith in Christ.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that we should not only not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

There is a way, but that Way is not through good works on our own power. That Way is through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Period.

Seek Him sincerely, and you WILL find him.  Go it alone, and you've made your decision that you'd rather be without Him, for eternity. Think about that, and choose wisely. It's the most important decision of your life.

God I pray for the unbeliever. Remove their blinders, their pride, their fear of being duped. Let them know that you are real, and that you will offer a free gift of salvation, that results in eternity in joy, love, and ultimate peace. I pray this in the beautiful name of Jesus. Amen

Love you guys.  Peace out.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Where do the values that many of us take for granted come from?

My son, keep your father's commands
and do not forsake your mother's teaching.
Bind them upon your heart forever;
fasten them around your neck.
When you walk, they will guide you;
when you sleep, they will watch over you;
when you awake, they will speak to you.
For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the corrections of discipline are the way to life ...
Proverbs 6:20-23

What the secular world does not understand about God's Word and His commandments is that they are the instruction manual to THE life ... a life of purpose, a life of joy, a life filled with meaning.  His teaching will guide you, watch over you, and speak to you in all situations.

Without God's teaching and God's instructions, we are aimlessly meandering through life, like trying to walk through a dark room without a flashlight or - in modern times - without the flashlight app on your smartphone. ;)

What the secular western world does not understand (or conveniently ignores) is that we all live in the shadow of Christian values passed down to us by previous generations.  Before Judeo Christian values and ethics, our world was a murderous, dog-eat-dog world ... nothing like the world we live in today. And every time in history and that we have walked away from God ... horrible, atrocious things have happened (think: the former USSR, the Nazi Regime, Pol Pot).  Each time we've extinguished the light, bad things have happened.

Can a person today be a "good" person without submitting to God's authority?  Sure. But they wouldn't understand good from bad if they hadn't been influenced by Christian values through living in a country that was built on Christian values.

And in the end, it's not about following the rules for the sake of following the rules, and being considered a good person. It's about the Person who makes us good. That person is Jesus Christ ... and without him, no one is good: no, not one.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Celebrating God by doing his work

As I sat with my kids last night for evening prayer before we hit the sack, I couldn't help but think of all the ways I'm thankful to God.

There is a certain time in history in which I was born that affords me a certain level of health. That's God's doing.

There are certain talents that God has given me that allow me to do things that many others can't. This advantage was given to me by God.

And the treasure that I have gained over my 44 years here on earth, that's from God too.

But let's be clear ... He hasn't blessed me because I'm better, or because he loves me more. He's blessed me so that I can do the job I was put on this earth to do.

So let's bless God every chance we get. Let's live and breathe God. Give him your warmest smile.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, let's get to work ... because He loves us. 

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow."

Psalm 34:1-9 (the Message)
I bless God every chance I get;
my lungs expand with his praise.
I live and breathe God;
if things are going well, hear this and be happy:
Join me in spreading the news together;
let's get the word out.
God met me more than halfway,
he freed me from my anxious fears.
Look at him; give him your warmest smile.
Never hide your feelings from him.
When I was desperate, I called out,
and God got me out of a tight spot.
God's angel sets up a circle protection around us while we pray.
Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see -- how good God is.
Blessed are you who run to him.
Worship God if you want the best;
Worship opens doors to all His goodness.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Seven things God hates

There are six things that the Lord hates, seven things that are detestable to him:

haughty eyes,
Eyes of superiority, of condescension, of pride. If eyes are the window to the soul, haughty eyes are the window to an egotistical and selfish soul.

a lying tongue,
Misleading, leaving out facts to make your point, outright lying in order to get what you want. Back to selfishness and pride.

hands that shed innocent blood,
Harming the least of these ... those who cannot defend themselves, such as a baby in the womb. Who knew the mother could be an accomplice in the shedding of that innocent blood?

a heart that devises wicked schemes,
Premeditated, malicious scheming.

feet that are quick to rush into evil,
Looking for trouble, with a heart pointed toward evil instead of good.

a false witness who pours out lies,
Accusing (remember, the enemy is also known as the Accuser).

and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.
Starting rumors, gossip, slander ... general troublemaking.

All of these are based in pride and selfishness.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Which one are you?

There are six types of people:

1. Christ Followers. Those who know God's Truth in both their minds and hearts, and live out what they know regarding God's plan for them, and the redemptive gift that is Jesus.

2. Moderate "Christians". Those who know in their minds only, but do not know in their hearts, and subsequently do not live out what they know.

3. Mis-Understanders. Those who believe they know, but have been away from the word for so long that their understanding has been bastardized by this world, by culture, by popular opinion.

4. False-Understanders. Those who believe they know, but gained a false interpretation of what it's all about, and to this day believe that false version is what it's all about (e.g. works, controlling behavior, hate).

5. Rejectors. Those you know better, but have decided to reject it and live the life they believe they should live.  In their minds, they make a better god than God.

6. Not Yets. Those who just don't know yet. Even these people, though, have a glimmer of understanding of who He is, but have not been introduced to the full story.

Which one are you?

I find that if I'm away from the Word more than 48 hours, my mindset and perspective begins to shift. My mind begins to alter based on the input of this world. It's like a poison entering the system. The only remedy is a good dose of God's Truth through study of His word, which reminds me and returns me firmly to reality.

And this makes me think about those who believe they know, but have not been in the Word in months, years, decades ... ever. How poisoned are they? Answer: quite.

If I knew the sky was blue today, then spent a year in a culture that swore the sky was pink, I would begin to believe and/or fully believe that the sky was pink, if I did not return to truth to remind me that it is most definitely blue.  No matter how sincere the people of that culture would be that the sky was pink, the sky would still most definitely be blue. I don't believe for a moment that you are immune to this influence. Truth is truth, regardless of popular opinion.

Call to action:  Get back into the Word... consistently. Just like a New Year's resolution to get back in shape, take it slowly at first or you might burn out. If only a verse per day, followed by five minutes of contemplation, your mindset and your world will change. Make it the priority it should be. We owe God our first fruits... and that is the first fruits of our time, as well. Take the first 30 minutes of each day and dedicate them to God. You won't regret it.

My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body.
Proverbs 4:20-22