Wednesday, January 11, 2017

If one were hoping to control a society, how would they do it?

If one were hoping to control a society, this is what one must do:
  • Well, first they would have to control how people thought. They would begin by feeding them news that they wanted them to hear in a way that was oh so slightly slanted more and more over time to their way of thinking.
  • They would need solicit the help of the "popular" (actors, et al) without them even knowing it.
  • They would also need to move to control everything people really need: healthcare, key industries, financial markets, agriculture, etc.
  • And they would summon a polished pitch man to tell people what they wanted to hear, but do whatever was necessary behind the scenes to accomplish the objectives, while denying this disparity without fail.
Problem is, this has already happened, and even the most intelligent are oblivious. In fact, they are in support of those at the controls, but think they are advocating for some "greater good" that has been advertised, but does not reflect what's really happening behind the curtain. They are pawns in the game.

With no objective basis for what's right and wrong - actual truth from some legitimate authority - people will believe anything if fed to them slowly enough. It must creep micron by micron, little by little ... with almost imperceptible shifts. The fact is, if there is no site of an unmoving, unchanging truth, no one will even detect even more noticeable changes. People believe they just know what's right and wrong, but they only know current cultures' idea of the two concepts ... not the actual "right" and "wrong" that has existed since the beginning of time.

As a Christian, I see it happening so clearly. More directly put, I see that it has already been happening for decades (or longer), and continues to progress. But to non-believers not aware of the unchanging truth, Christians just seem silly, stuck in the past, maybe even stupid, clueless. It's funny how that works ... the oblivious look at the grounded and think, "Wow, are they oblivious." It's a form of arrogant ignorance that pervades our society ... our world ... today. And no one but the awakened are aware of it.

We are in this world, but not of this world. I'm in this society, but not of this society. My true home is elsewhere, and I'm so thankful for that. Thank you Lord for waking me from my slumber.


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