Friday, June 10, 2016

"But I don't sin!" Yes you do. And so do I.

This is not a condemnation. It's just the truth. We all sin. The reason why people say but they aren't sinners, or they don't sin, is because they don't understand the depth of sin or how sin is defined by God.

I used to think the same. In fact, most people would say, "that Greg is a good guy." And I suppose I was by worldly standards, as far as anyone could tell. I seemed to be kind, giving, thoughtful, compassionate ... but that was the surface. I'm not saying I was rotten to the core inside or anything, but I most definitely had lust in my heart, I most definitely told a little white lie periodically (not to mention the large ones), and I most certainly didn't acknowledge the Creator of the universe or the fact that everything I have is from Him - in fact, he outright rejected Him. These were all sins, but I didn't necessarily see it that way. My problem? I wasn't using God's measuring stick to determine whether I was good or not. I was using a hybrid between Greg's measuring stick and the world's.

I hear from many who believe that it all averages out in some unknown Cosmic equation. That somehow God is grading on a bell curve, and you just need to be "better than average". This is a false faith. Absolutely wrong. Absolutely untrue.

Sorry to be blunt, but the truth has been so watered down over the last 30 to 40 years, that people actually believe some of this nonsense.

When it comes to the final Judgement, you can liken it to worldly judgement in a court of law. Let's say you are a fantastic person by anyone's standards, however you're on trial for a very small count of tax evasion. Of course, alleged tax evasion.

But if you did it, is it right or wrong? And if you did it, will you have to pay through time or money? Unless of course someone steps in and pays for you.

Many people in the world would say that in the grand scheme, I'm a good guy so they should let me go. But that isn't how it works, is it? God is a loving God and cannot let even the little things go.

Some might say, "But why? Why does God need to be so mean?"

He's not being mean. That's not his nature. He's being who He is: a righteous God. He is perfect. And perfection cannot be around imperfection like mud cannot be around a perfectly white dress.

Through one man, Adam, sin entered the world. Before the forbidden fruit, our relationship with God was perfect. But that all changed when we decided to do it our way ... when we decided that we wanted to be God. Like a child thinking that they know better than the parent, except exponentially worse.

But through one man we were reconciled to God. Our relationship was made whole again. We were made perfect so that we could be in relation and proximity to His perfection. That one man is Jesus Christ, and He offers a gift of salvation from the sin we can not escape without Him.

Are you a sinner? Absolutely yes. And so am I. But I am sinless and blameless through Him you saved me.

That is amazing grace. That is amazing love. That He would take my place. That He would bear my cross. He laid down his life, so that I could be set free.

Jesus I thank you for all you've done for me.


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