Monday, June 6, 2016

Slavery existed for greater than a 5000 year span, but in the course of 40 years, Wilberforce was able to turn it from a common and widely accepted tool of economics and industry into something despicable and horrific as we consider it today.

Slavery existed for greater than a 5000 year span, but in the course of 40 years, Wilberforce was able to turn it from a common and widely accepted tool of economics and industry into something despicable and horrific as we consider it today.

Truth is, it was always despicable and horrific, but people did it, and it was considered "normal". In the Dred Scott decision, African American men were said to be 3/5 of a white man. Can you even imagine someone suggesting this today? Of course not - it's ludicrous.

Up until 1973, even the staunchest of feminists were 100% against abortion. It was considered deplorable. Then the sexual Revolutio (so called) came about. The pill was invented, disconnecting sex from reproduction. This desensitized people in our society to the gift that is sex.

And in 1973, the well-known case of Roe versus Wade ruled that a woman could choose to kill her own baby if still in the womb. Even the ancient Romans considered killing a baby in the womb as deplorable. However, as the intellectual elite of the time, thy were perfectly fine with taking an infant and putting it on the side of the road when it was not wanted. Eventually it would be eaten buy wild animals or die from exposure or starvation. The norm of the time.

In America alone, we are now over 59 million abortions since that Roe versus Wade ruling in 1973. That is more the World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the war in Vietnam, 9/11, and a number of other mass casualty events COMBINED.

Oh, and Congratulations America ...
we are #1 in volume of abortions
followed only by North Korea and China.

Very few abortions are in response to rape or incest. Very very few. Let's be honest - the purpose of abortion in America is as a final step in birth control. While you can define it - if you wish - as birth control, it is actually the murder a baby that's already been conceived. 

Killing of the most innocent of us all.

Science has proven definitively that once an egg and a sperm combine, a new human life is formed. It is not tissue as many seem to believe. We can not say surreptitiously that life begins when the baby "feels pain" or when she breaths his first breath, or even when we can detect her heartbeat. Life begins when the two raw materials come together, one fertilizing the other. The miracle of life has occurred at this moment.

Slavery existed for 5,000 years, then someone stood up and put full effort into eradicating this horrible practice. And in a short 40 years, it was gone.

The same will happen with abortion. We have already seen this trend happening. People will look back at this time in history and cringe at the horror that we allowed.

Abortion is genocide. 

And it's primarily a genocide against people of color and against girls. There is no getting around this fact. Most abortion clinics - greater than 85% - are within walking distance of extremely low socio-economic areas, made up predominantly of African-Americans.

Call to action:
Wake up, sleeping Christians. The non-believers don't know any better, but we do. It's long past time to do something about this. Light a fire, and let's eradicate this horrific practice in our lifetime.

1 comment:

  1. Well said Greg. I couldn't agree more.
